Los Alamos National Laboratory
CoE  LANL Engineering Standards Program



Quick Links:
Ch.1-General Ch.8-I&C Ch.15-Commissioning
Ch.2-Fire Ch.9-Security Ch.16-Building Code Program
Ch.3-Civil Ch.10-Hazardous Process Ch.17-Pressure Safety
Ch.4-Architectural Ch.11-Radiation Protection Ch.18-Secure Communications
Ch.5-Structural Ch.12-Nuclear Ch.19-Communications
Ch.6-Mechanical Ch.13-Welding, Joining & NDE Ch.20-Systems Engineering
Ch.7-Electrical Ch.14-Sustainable Design Ch. 21-Software

SEARCH the LANL Engineering Standards

ESM (Chapter 1 - General)

tackPOC: Tobin Oruch, ES-FE, 665-8475   tackAlternate POC: Neha Gidwani, ES-FE, 487-0949   tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
Technical Requirements    
Z10, General Requirements for All Disciplines/Chapters (READ FIRST) 15 02/01/22
  VAR-10642, Priority, Support, and General Document Definitions    
    Attachment A, Technical Baseline Drawings Guidance (Temporarily withdrawn) (VAR-10642) 5 08/25/10
    Attachment B, Technical Baseline Deliverables (New Facilities and Systems) 3 05/21/09
    Attachment C, Design Deliverable Schedule 30-60-90-100%
8 05/09/21
      VAR-10554, Ch. 21 Software – change to optional use
      VAR-10564, Test and Inspection Plan (TIP) Development Responsibility
    Attachment D, Facility Design Descriptions (New Facilities) 3 05/21/09
    Attachment E, Life Cycle Cost Methodology Guidance
    Note: Also see Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) Calculator and Resources
3 05/21/09
    Attachment F, Specifications
       Resource:  IQPA-IQ-FD-090000 Specification Checklist (LANL only; see IQ group)
          LANL-produced specs also follow AP-341-610 (LANL only)



          FM01: Approval/Cover Sheet for Externally Produced Specifications 2 04/05/18
          FM02: Table of Contents Sample 2 04/05/18
          Appendix A. Considerations in Developing Engineering Specifications (Guidance)    
          Appendix B. Engineering Specifications Checklist (Guidance)    
          Appendix C. Equipment Data Sheet Examples    
          Appendix D: Procurement-Only, Non-CSI Spec Format Template    
          Appendix E: Wording of Specs    
Z10 References    
2137 - Conduct of Engineering Request for Variance or Alternative Method (LANL only)    
2176 - Conduct of Engineering Formal Clarification or Interpretation Request (.pdf) - 10/2010
2178 - Subcontractor Deviation Disposition Request - 6/2023
2178-LIP- ALDPI Line Item Projects Subcontractor Deviation Disposition Request (SDDR)(docx) 1 7/2024
Ch. 1 Z10 Requirement Bases (e.g., 1-0XXX; xls, LANL only)    
Resource: ARMAG robust structure summary of LANL requirements and guidance (LANL only, xls with Ch. 16)    
200, Item Numbering and Labelling 9 12/21/21
     Attachment 1: CMMS Upload Workbook (multi-tab xls) (LANL Only)
      (Note: If printing, some tabs are 11x17, others 8.5x11)
1.9  10/08/24
     Attachment 2: CMMS Parameters (Guidance) (xls)  0.2 12/21/21
     Form 01: CMMS Change Approval Form (Instructions) 1 12/21/21
   ReferenceMEL Change Approval FDAR Delegations (pdf, LANL Only)   04/18/23
210, System List [controlling procedure only] 6 01/28/21
    Attachment 1: Use Section 200 Att 1 CMMS Upload Workbook’s Section 210 tab  - 07/01/24
220, System Boundaries 1 10/27/06
230, Types and Subtypes for Equipment Items [controlling procedure only] 9 01/28/21
     Attachment 1: Use Section 200 Att 1 CMMS Upload Workbook’s Section 230 tab  07/01/24
Administrative Requirements    
Section 100, Standards Administration by Standards Team 7 09/18/13
      Appendix A: Approval/Signature Sheet 9 07/25/17
      Appendix B: ESM Personnel Qualification Record 7 09/18/13
      Appendix C: ESM Change Proposal 7 09/18/13
      Appendix D: ESB Meeting Attendance and Voting Record 7 09/18/13

Top of page

ESM (Chapter 2 - Fire Protection)

tackPOC: Keenan Dotson, ES-FP, 667-5219 tack Alternate POC: Greg Shino, FP, 667-5043 tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
tackSpecs/Details POC: Scott McMurtrey, ES-IPD, 699 8441 / Alternate: Todd Smith, ES-EPD, 665-3152
Section/Title Rev. Date
D40GEN, Administration and General Requirements (READ FIRST) 7 06/29/23
   Attachment 1, Adopted Editions of NFPA Fire Protection Codes, Standards, and Recommended Practices 1 03/22/23
   Clarification (CIR-24-006), Need for Hydraulic Calculation    
D4010 Fire Suppression and Special Extinguishing Systems 0 06/29/23
D4050 Inspection, Testing, and Commissioning 0 06/29/23
D5037 Fire Alarm Systems 0 06/29/23
Chapter References and Resources    
Fire Protection & Life Safety Triggers for FP Office Review – FDAR Guidance (9/8/2022)    
DOE-STD-1066-2016, Fire Protection (the edition LANL uses currently)    
DOE-STD-1066-2023, Fire Protection (LANL will be adopting)    
Engineer and the Engineering Technician Designing Fire Protection Systems (joint position on from SFPE/NSPE/NICET) -- LANL’s preferred division of responsibility    
Construction Inspection Div of Responsibilities for Fire Protection 5 07/20/22
NFPA code/std access (latest + historical), all are read-only: LANL use IHS; anyone can register/use NFPA’s viewer.  Or purchase NFPA LiNK, about $89.    
IFC-2021 (LANL code of record dated 3/22/2023 and after): As of 04/16/2024, Second Printing (11/2021) is latest.  LANL users, download commentary version from Accuris EWB.  Errata are here (from ICC errata site here).    
IFC-2015 (COR dated between 3/27/2015 and 3/22/2023): As of 4/16/2024, Fourth Printing is latest.  Errata are here (from ICC errata site here).    
ESM Ch. 2 Requirements ID Log (xls) (e.g., 2-0XXX; LANL only)    
Free I-code views (search IBC, IEBC, IFC, IECC, etc.; LANL can use IHS)    

Top of page

ESM (Chapter 3 - Civil)

tackPOC: Victoria Baca, ES-WPD, 699-7875 tack Alt: Assad Rizvi, ES-UPD, 927-2068 tack List of Complete Alternates tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
G10-30GEN, General Civil Requirements (READ FIRST)
     VAR-10468-R1 - Revised Storm Water Material
3 05/27/15
G10, Site Preparations
    VAR-10468-R1 - Revised Storm Water Material
3 05/27/15
G20, Site Improvements
    VAR-10468-R1 - Revised Storm Water Material
3 05/27/15
G30, Site Civil / Mechanical Utilities 3 05/27/15
    VAR-10538 Utility Metering Requirements (Building-level)
    VAR-10251- Lift Station Placement
Chapter Resource    
Low Impact Development Standards for Stormwater (G20)    

Top of page

ESM (Chapter 4 - Architectural)

tackPOC:Brandon Rael, ES-IPD, 695-4828 tack Alt:Michael J Gallegos, ES-WPD, 505-551-4974  tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
B-C GEN, General Architectural Requirements (READ FIRST)
4 02/07/19
B Shell, Building Shell
4 02/07/19
C Interior, Building Interiors 4 02/07/19
    VAR-10526, Gender-Neutral Restroom Addendum to ESM and TSM    
Sustainable Design Guide
Site & Architectural Design Principles
LANL’s Site & Architectural Design Principles (posted with ESM Ch 4, Ch 14 and the Design Guides webpage) were created in 2001-02. Although some references to organizations and standards are outdated, the design principles and concepts in this document are still applicable and should be followed.

Top of page

ESM (Chapter 5 - Structural)

tackPOC: Carlos Coronado, ES-SPD, 505-795-5500 tackAlt. POC: Andrew Giesler, ES-IPD, 505-695-4325 tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
I, General Criteria (READ FIRST)
9 03/22/23
II, Commercial Design and Analysis Requirements 12
   Resource: IBC SDC C versus D – Effect on LANL Design (pdf) 1 05/19/21
   Reference: SDC-C “All Other Systems” Usage Prebid Approval Request Form (doc) 0 12/21/21
III, Nuclear SSCs Design and Analysis Requirements
11 03/22/23
   Resource Hilti KB-TZ and KB-TZ2 Anchor Supply/Selection Guidance (TA-55 only)   05/27/22
   Important Notice: Hilti has discontinued the production of Undercut anchors HDA-P-DUC and HDA-T-DUC. As a result, their use in new designs is no longer allowed. It is the responsibility of the Engineer of Record (EOR) to confirm anchor availability before specifying them in a new design.    
IV, Geotechnical Investigations 7 03/22/23
Chapter References and Resources (LANL Only)    
Requirements ID Log (xls) (e.g., 5-X0YY)
Existing Building structural category is in ARCHIBUS Web Central 
  1. Go to Space Inventory, then LANL Special Reports, then Define Seismic Data.  Type TA-BLDG: (i.e. _ _-_ _ _ _) under Structure ID, then return.  You will see the newer RC or NDC/LS data should also be there under the “DOE 1020 Standard” heading. The legacy PC category is under Seismic Essential as P_ (e.g., P1, P2 …, where P2=PC2) for the building structure.
  1. ES-Div contacts for updates are Brandon Rael and Carlos Coronado R.
Equipment/Component RC/NDC (or legacy PC) is in CMMS/AssetSuite (D031 screen, Seismic Cat. Field; ref. ESM Ch. 1, Section 200 upload worksheet Field Req’ts tab)

Top of page

ESM (Chapter 6 - Mechanical)

tackPOC: Michael Ladach, ES-WPD, 667-6229 tack Alternate POC: Todd Smith, ES-IPD, 665-3152 tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
D10-30GEN, General Mechanical Requirements (READ FIRST)
5 09/29/14
    VAR-10538 Utility Metering Requirements (Building-level)    
    VAR-10053, Exception to Equipment Housekeeping Pad Requirement    
D10+E10, Equipment 4 09/29/14
D20, Plumbing/Piping/Vessels 6 02/26/15
   VAR-10667, Tube Bending Guidance Deletion from ESM Chapter 6, D20 Rev. 6    
D30, HVAC, Heating, Cooling, HVAC Distribution and TAB 
6 09/22/22
    VAR-10595, Industrial Fan Performance Ratings When Not AMCA Sealed    
    Resource: Multizone to Variable Volume HVAC Controls Retrofit Design & Implementation Suite (USCoE)    
Chapter References    
Requirements ID Log (xls) (e.g., 6-0XXX; LANL only)    
UMC and UPC (read only) from IAPMO website (LANL can use IHS)    

Top of page

ESM (Chapter 7 - Electrical)

tackPOC: Eric Stromberg, ES-DE-CON, 290-5923 tackAlternate POC: Steven Rick Baca, ES-IPD, 412-3538  tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
D5000, General Electrical Requirements (READ FIRST)

8 07/24/19
D5010, Electrical Service & Distribution 5 02/11/19
    VAR-10538 Utility Metering Requirements (Building-level)
    VAR-10683, Locating electrical service disconnects outdoors (new requirement)
    Resource: Transformer Design Guidance, R0 9/14/21

D5020, Lighting & Branch Circuit Wiring
6 10/13/22
D5090, Other Electrical Systems
VAR-10641, Lightning Protection Ground Ring Minimum Distance
6 04/28/23
    Reference:  Lightning Protection NFPA 780 Annex L Calculator v1.01 2023-5-04    
    Resource:  Photovoltaic (PV) System Resources    
G4010, Site Electrical Distribution 4 01/15/19
G4020, Site Lighting 3 05/12/10
G4090, Other Site Electrical Systems 3 04/28/23
Chapter References and Resources    
Electrical Inspection Plan Guidance 0 02/25/20
Requirements ID Log (xls) (e.g., 7-0XXX; D5020, D5090, G4090 currently; LANL only)    
NFPA code/std access: Use IHS or anyone can register for NFPA’s viewer.  Or purchase NFPA LiNK, about $89. All are read-only.    

Top of page

ESM (Chapter 8 - Instrumentation & Controls)

tackPOC:Allen Hayward, ES-WPD, 606-0840 tack Alternate POC:TBD tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
Section D3060.90- Instrumentation & Control (READ FIRST) 4 09/29/14
     Attachment A: Instrumented Systems used in Safety Significant & Hazardous Processes Design Guidance 2 09/29/14
     Attachment B: Fail Safe Design of Process Control Loops Guidance 2 09/29/14
     Attachment C: I&C Design Review Guidance 2 09/29/14
     Attachment D: Installation & Calibration of Instruments Guidance 2 09/29/14
     Attachment E: Alarm Management Guidance 2 09/29/14
     Attachment F: Instrument Loop Diagrams Guidance 2 09/29/14
     Attachment G: Control Logic Diagrams Guidance 2 09/29/14
     Attachment H: Panel and Wiring Diagram Guidance 2 09/29/14
     Attachment I: PFD and P&ID Diagram Requirements 1 09/29/14

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ESM (Chapter 9 - Security)

tack POC: Jeff Mccale, SEC-PPO, 606-8955 tack Alternate POC: Tina Vigil, SEC-PPO, 606-8955 tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
Facility Protection and Security [email for access] 5 11/04/22

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ESM (Chapter 10 - Hazardous Process)

tackPOC:Devin Gray, PFE-GB, 667-3584 tack Alternate POC: Tobin Oruch, ES-FE, 665-8475 tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
F1030.60, Hazardous Process 2 09/29/14
  Attachment A: Hazardous Gas Design 2 09/29/14

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ESM (Chapter 11 - Radiation Protection)

tackPOC:  Britt Edquist, RP-SVS, 667-6794 tackAlternate POC: Jordan Douglas, RP-FS, 665-2445 tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
F1030.50, Radiation Protection 2 01/08/18
   Attachment A: Radiation Protection Design Considerations &   Features (Guidance)
   VAR-10347 - Radiological Engineering Design/Design Support
2 01/08/18

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ESM (Chapter 12 - Nuclear)

tackPOC: Tobin Oruch, ES-FE, 665-8475 tackAlternate POC: Neha Gidwani, ES-FE, 487-0949  tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
F1030.70, Nuclear 3 09/29/14

Top of page

ESM (Chapter 13 - Welding, Joining & NDE)

tackPOC: David Bingham, ES-FE, 695-8716 tackAlternate POC: Richard Bingham, ES-FE, 667-7077 tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title   Quick Links
Table of Contents   -1-99, Glossary
Volume 1 - General Welding Standards (GWS)   -Filler Material Locations/Issuers
Volume 2 - Welding Fabrication Procedures (WFP)   -Filler Material--Warehouse Stocked
Volume 3 - Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS)   -Filler Metal Documents
Volume 4 - Welding Technique Sheets (WTS)   -Inspectors
Volume 5 - Procedure Qualification Records (PQR)   -LANL WPS Index
Volume 6 - Welding Inspection & General NDE (WIGN)   -Spec Sections 01 4444, 4455, and 4631 on welding
    -Welding Checklist
    -Welder Qualification Database

ESM (Chapter 14 - Sustainable Design)

tack POC: Dalinda (Dee) Bangert, UI-OSI, 412-8673 tack Alt. POC: Michael Ladach, ES-WPD, 667-6229 tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Alternate POC: Tobin Oruch, ES-FE, 665-8475
Section/Title Rev. Date
Sustainable Design of Facilities 12.1 04/24/2024
   Attachment 1- Environmentally Preferable Products for Specifications - 02/09/2024
   Attachment 2 - Utility Metering Requirements (supersedes VAR-10538 Utility Metering Requirements (Building-level)) 0 09/26/2022
Chapter References:    
Chapter 14 References and Resources

Top of page

ESM (Chapter 15 - Commissioning)

tackPOC: Tom Gerike, STUPCOMMPI, 665-6213 tackAlternate POC: Charles Richardson, STUPCOMM; 667-3374 tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
Commissioning 1 03/22/19
   Attachment A: Commissioning Process Flow Chart 1 03/22/19
Chapter Resources:
Cx Service Requests (CxSR), for both Agent and Authority needs; goes to STUPCOMM managers (LANL internal)
DOE G 413.3-23, Nuclear Facilities Commissioning [directives.doe.gov]

Top of page

ESM (Chapter 16 - Building Code Program)

tackPOC: Tobin Oruch, ES-FE, 665-8475 tack Alternate POC: Neha Gidwani, ES-FE, 487-0949 tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
IBC-GEN - General Building Code Requirements (READ FIRST)
VAR-10586, Vault-Type Restrooms – Hydrants and Occupancy Class (amends IBC-GEN App. B, Prefab Storage Approach)
   Att. A: LANL Building Code (LBC) 15 02/09/24
   Att. B: LANL Existing Building/System Code (LEBC) 10 03/22/23
   Form 1: Preliminary Project Determinations (Instructions) 6 03/22/23
      Reference: Fire Protection & Life Safety Triggers for FP Office Review – FDAR Guidance (9/8/2022)    
   Form 2: HazMat Determination 1 05/22/14
   Form 3: Registered Design Professional in Responsible Charge Designation (Sample) 1 09/24/13
   Form 4: LBO Notice of Violation 0 09/24/13
   Form 5: Building/System Final Inspection Checklist and Certificate of Occupancy 8 03/30/15
      Resource: Certificate of Occupancy Checklist Template (12-7-2020) -
IBC-IP - Inspection Process
10 03/22/23
   Attachment A: Special Inspection and Testing Summary (Sample) (Deleted in IBC-IP Rev. 10)    
   Attachment B: Statement of Special Inspections 15 03/22/23
   Attachment C: Nonconformance Report Example (Deleted in IBC-IP Rev. 10)    
   Attachment D: IBC Inspection Daily Report (Sample)
WI-400-282-FM01: IBC/Owner's Inspection Report
1 09/24/13
   Attachment E: IBC Inspection Final Report (Sample)
Resource: WI-400-282-FM02, Final Report of Special  Inspections by LANL
2 09/24/13
   Attachment F: Job Task List for Inspectors (Guidance) 1 09/24/13
   Attachment G: Structural Observation Form (Sample) 3 03/27/15
   Attachment H: Subcontractor's Statement of Responsibility 2 03/27/15
   Attachment I: Test and Inspection Plan Template 1 03/22/23
   Attachment J: Inspection of Lowest/Moderate Risk Category Work; Division of Responsibility based on Qualifications and Risk (LANL internal) 0 03/22/23
Reference: Fire Protection Div of Responsibilities for Construction Inspection 5 07/20/22
Resource: Electrical Inspection Plan Guidance 0 02/25/20
IBC-TIA - IBC Test and Inspection Agency Approval Process 3 09/15/09
   Attachment A: IAS Special Inspection and Testing Agency Approval Information 1 07/21/08
   Attachment B: Inspector Qualification Guidelines 5 10/10/12
   Form 01: Testing and/or Inspection Agency Application for LBO Approval 0 07/29/24
Resource: Nondestructive Examination Agency Subcontractor/Supplier Assessment for LBO Approval (LANL only) NEW!! - 09/01/22
IBC-FAB - Offsite Structural Fabricator Approval Process 6 06/20/11
   Attachment A: Offsite Structural Fabricator Application for LBO Approval 2 07/29/24
   Attachment B: Offsite Structural Fabricator Certificate of Compliance 0 07/21/08
Chapter References and Resources:    
Listing of LBO-Approved IBC Testing, NDE, and Inspection Agencies; Fabricators; and Products   09/24/24
LANL Building Department and Processes – Internal (ES-EPD), Organization Chart, LBO Review Subject Matter Expert List,  LBO Permitting Process, LBO Permit Database    
For project codes of record (starts) 3/22/2023 and after:    
IBC-2021:  As of 04/16/2024, Second Printing (9/2021) is latest.  LANL users, download commentary version from  Accuris EWB.  Errata are here (from ICC errata site here)
IEBC-2021:  As of 04/16/2024, Second Printing (4/2022) is latest.  LANL users, download commentary version from  Accuris EWB.  Main errata are here App. A errata are here. (from ICC errata site here)
For project COR dated between 3/27/2015 and 3/22/2023:
IBC-2015:  As of 04/16/2024, Fourth Printing is latest.  Errata for all printings are here (from ICC errata site here).
IEBC-2015:  As of 04/16/2024, Sixth Printing is latest.  Errata for all printings are here (from ICC errata site here).
Historical IBC and UBC code editions:  Contact stdsweb@lanl.gov for assistance.    
Free I-code views (search IBC, IEBC, IFC, IECC, etc.; LANL can use IHS)    
ARMAG robust structure summary of LANL requirements and guidance (LANL only, xls), Rev. 3, 06/20/2022    
Construction Subcontractor Office Trailer and Equipment Container (pdf) (docx), Rev.1, 12/28/2023    

Top of page

ESM (Chapter 17 - Pressure Safety)

tackPOC: Ari Ben Swartz, ES-FE, 412-1436 tackAlternate POC: Rob Payment, ES-FE, 412-1954 tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)

Section/Title Rev. Date
PS-GENERAL - General Information (READ FIRST) 0 09/22/23
   Attachment GEN-1, Definitions and Acronyms 2 09/22/23
   Attachment GEN-2, National Board Inspection Code NB-23 Application 1 09/22/23
PS-REQUIREMENTS - Pressure Safety Requirements for New and Modified System Design
0 09/22/23
   Attachment REQ-1, Category M Fluid Service and Lethal Service 1 09/22/23
   Attachment REQ-2, New or Modified System Design Document Requirements 1 09/22/23
   Attachment REQ-3, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Application 1 09/22/23
   Attachment REQ-4, Piping Code and Regulation Application 1 09/22/23
   Attachment REQ-5, ASME B31.3 Non-Metallic Equivalent Safety Evaluation 3 09/22/23
   Attachment REQ-6, ASME B31.3 Metallic Equivalent Safety Evaluation 3 09/22/23
   Attachment REQ-7, ASME B31.9 Equivalent Safety Evaluation 1 09/22/23
   Attachment REQ-8, OSHA Requirements for Pressure Systems 1 09/22/23
   Attachment REQ-9, Approved Flexible Hose Restraints and Thrust Load Evaluations 1 09/22/23
PS-GUIDE - Pressure System Design Guidance 0 09/22/23
   Attachment GUIDE-1, Overpressure Protection Evaluation Guide 1 09/22/23
   Attachment GUIDE-2, Oxygen System Design Guide 0 09/22/23
Chapter References and Resources:    
Unlisted Components Approval Process and Forms    
NASME Reputable Manufacturers List and Approval Process    
Active, Current Variances/Alternate Methods against ESM Ch. 17 (LANL only)    
Active, Current Clarifications/Interpretations against ESM Ch. 17 (LANL only)    
ESM Ch. 17 Requirements ID Log (xls) (e.g., 17-0XXX; LANL only)    
Quality Control Systems Manual (R-Stamp Program and Federal Inspection Agency)(LANL only)
2.2 08/22/22
Pressure Safety Program webpage (CAP, PS Committee, etc.) (LANL only)    
Pressure System Database (PSD) (LANL only)    
10CFR851 Worker Safety and Health Program with Technical Amendment, key info in Subpart C and App A    
DOE Worker Safety and Health Policy Clarification Portal (PC Portal)   12/18/17
Chapter 17, Additional Pressure Safety Reference Data (click for live links) including Swagelok assembly (LANL only)
Chapter 17, Pressure Safety, PDF of Entire Chapter (generally including attachments and amendments [does not include labwide variances and clarifications])   09/22/23

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ESM (Chapter 18 - Secure Communications)

tackPOC: Adrian Trujillo, NIE-ESS, 667-2581 tack Alternate POC: Melissa Ortiz, NIE-ESS, 412-8867 tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
Secure Communications 1 02/12/15

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ESM (Chapter 19 - Communications)

tackPOC: Michael Craig, NIE-TS, 505-665-0810 tack Alternate POC: Jason Flesher, NIE-TS, 606-2177 tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
D60, Communications 1 09/01/20
G50, Site Communications

     VAR-2016-024, Length of pathway
0 02/23/15

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ESM (Chapter 20 - Systems Engineering)

tackPOC: Tobin Oruch, ES-FE, 665-8475   tack Alternate POC: TBD    tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
Section/Title Rev. Date
SE Requirements 0 09/20/17
     VAR-10613, Systems Engineering Roles and PIE-3 (ESM Chapter 20)    
SE Guide 0 09/20/17
SE SEP Estimate Example (xls, LANL only)    
Design Verification Matrix Template Sample    

ESM (Chapter 21 - Software)

tackPOC: Tobin Oruch, ES-FE, 665-8475   tack Alt POC: Allen Hayward, ES-WPD, 231-9605  tack Suggestions (LANL ONLY)
 tack ES-Div Software CoordinatorCarrie Atencio, ES-DO, 695-5343
Section/Title Rev. Date
SOFT-GEN: General Software Requirements (READ FIRST)
(file also includes appendices)
1 05/25/17
  Appendix A:  Chapter 21 Definitions, Responsibilities, and Acronyms 1 05/25/17
  Appendix B:  Chapter 21 SO and SRLM Decision Diagram (Guidance) 1 05/25/17
  Appendix C:  Chapter 21 Reference Listing 1 05/25/17
  Attachment 1: Chapter 21 Summary Table 1 05/25/17
  SOFT-GEN-FM01: Software Datasheet Form (SWDS)
  SOFT-GEN-FM01(I): Instructions with Example
  SOFT-GEN-FM02: Software Baseline Form (SWBL)
  SOFT-GEN-FM02(I): Instructions with Example
1 05/25/17
  SOFT-GEN-FM03: Non-SSC Software Change Package Form (SWNCP)
  SOFT-GEN-FM03(I): SWNCP Instructions with Example
  SOFT-GEN-FM04: SSC Software Change Package Form (SWCP)
  SOFT-GEN-FM04(I): SWCP Form Instructions
  VAR-10365-R1, Ch 21 SSC Software Change Package Form superseding AP-341-507
1 09/28/20
  VAR-10554, Ch. 21 Software – change to optional use 0 08/08/22
  GEN Subsection 2.0 Example Software Summary    
  Form 2033, Software Grade Determination    
  VAR-10326-R1, Chapter 21 (Software) activity and form approvals for Safety Basis and Nuclear Criticality Safety Divisions
  Form 3046, Software Risk Register (SWRR)  (2/2024) (contact POC for examples)(LANL only)    
SOFT-ACQUIRE: Acquisition 1 05/25/17
   Resource: ANSYS Fluent CGD/V&V Package Example (request from Chapter POC)    
SOFT-DESIGN: Design 1 05/25/17
  Form 2323, Software Requirements Specification (SRS) (2/2024)(docx)    
  Software Requirements Specification (SWRS) Example (Source Tracker)    
  Design Document (SWDD) Example Template    
  Design Document Example for Designed Software (Source Tracker)    
  User Manual (O&M instructions) for Designed Software (Source Tracker)    
SOFT-V&V: Verification & Validation 1 05/25/17
  Appendix A: Software Test Plan Requirements Table    
  SOFT-V&V-FM01: Software Approval for Use Form (SWAU)
  SOFT-V&V-FM01(I): Instructions With Example
  Resources: V&V Templates and Examples    
  Form 3056, Software Requirements Traceability Matrix (SWTM) (2/2024) (LANL only)
  Form 3055, Software Test Plan (SWTP) (7/2017) (LANL only)    
  Form 2328, Software Test Case (SWTC) (2/2024) (LANL only)    
  Form 2329, Software Test Plan and Report (SWTPR), (2/2024)(LANL only)    
  Example Requirements Traceability Matrix (Source Tracker)    
  Example No. 1 Test Plan (Source Tracker)    
  Example No. 1 Test Plan/Report (Source Tracker)    
  Example No. 2 Test Report    
  Example No. 3 Test Report    
  Example SWAU Request Package Checklist (MACCS2)    
SOFT-INV: Inventory 1 05/25/17
SOFT-MAINT: Use, Maintain & Retire 1 05/25/17
Resource: Form 2326, Software Problem Report (SPR), (2/2024)(.docx)    
Chapter References and Resources:    
Document Numbering SharePoint (LANL only)    
ES Division Non-SSC Software Inventory (LANL only)
     ESDO-AP-002, Engineering Services (ES) Software Inventory Instructions (LANL only) Rev. 0, 06/05/17
Safety Software Inventory  (LANL only)    
P1040, Software Quality Management (option to Ch. 21 usage per VAR-10554, or for guidance on adapting non-Ch. 21 forms posted above)    
Software Quality Assurance (SQA) webpage by IQPA-IQ (LANL Only)    
Chapter 21, Software entire chapter (generally including attachments and amendments [does not include labwide variances and clarifications]).
Meant to aid browsing or searching for topics, but not performing work by it.
  last updated

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