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ARCHIVES .....of the LANL Master Specifications
General Requirements-ARCHIVES | ||||
01 1116 |
R0 R1* |
Work by Owner | Rev. 1 - Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Canceled being archived concurrently with 01 4216 issuance. 5-24-17 |
01 1117 | R0 R1 |
Work by Owner-Self Perform | Rev. 0-Initial issue. Rev. 1-Major revision deleting submittal reduction strategies in favor of new approach in ESM Ch 1 Z10 Att F r2. |
01 2500 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 FM01 R0 R1 |
Substitution Procedures | Rev. 1 - Clarified structural reviews required; terminology changes Rev. 2 - General re-write and re-formatting Rev. 3 - Added FM01 Subsititution Request form Rev. 4- Clarified post-bid process (1.2.A.1.a and 2.1.B), restored engineering-approved equal is implied (1.3.A.2); clarified forms of acceptance (1.4.A.3); other minor changes. Form 01 revised slightly, became Rev. 1. |
01 3300 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Submittal Procedures | Rev. 1- Added electronic submittals; expanded electrical, I&C, project record submittals Rev. 2 - Loop diagrams now required only for safety-related per I&C POC. Added other to Submittal list, made mandatory. Terminology updates. Rev. 3 - Added Exhibit I coordination; revised status codes. Rev. 4 - General re-write and re-formatting, added submittal categories, provided for electronic submission, removed Exhibit I requirements, added associated forms Rev. 5 - Made electronic submittals default approach, returned status codes to Exh I/DRS scheme, made forms FM01-FM03. Rev. 6 - Added Submittal Waiver FM01-W; added APROOVE and eliminated FM03 Submittal Review Form. |
01 3545 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 |
Water Discharge Requirements | Rev. 1- Administrative Changes Rev. 2 - Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3- Minor editorial changes and organizational updates. Rev. 4 - Minor updates and clarification on NMED discharge reporting. Rev. 5 - Periodic review. Minor update of web URL. Rev. 6 - Clarified LANL responsibility for performance when not subcontracted, other minor clarifications (driver: TA-59-001 discharge) Rev. 7 - Updated to WCATS and new organizations Rev. 8 - Added neutralization requirements formerly in 22 0816, updated notifications, form |
01 4000 |
Quality Requirements-Non Nuclear Quality Requirements-Nuclear |
Rev. 1-Design professional to start inspection plan, constructor completes. Rev. 2 - Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3 - Minor clarifications to notes, 1.1.B, 1.4.D.10, 1.7.B. Rev. 4- Deleted welding and referenced 01 4444 and 01 4455. Rev. 5- Clarified use of TIP and SSI, submittals 1.4.A and B added, C clarified. Rev. 6-Clarified SI responsibilities and expense at 1.7 Rev. 7-Major revision incorporating experience from TRP II UPS and TLW. (Concurrent with this revision, a nuclear project version was developed and issued as Rev. 0.) Rev. 8- Rev. 1- |
01 4115 | R0 R1 |
Pressure Safety Submittals | Rev. 0-initial issue Rev. 1- |
01 4200 | R0 R1 R2 R3* |
References (Supercedes 01 4219) | Rev. 1 - Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Added CoC, CMTR Rev. 3 - Updated and revised definitions, added and deleted references. *Canceled being archived concurrently with 01 4216 issuance. 5-24-17 |
01 4216 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Definitions | Rev. 0-initial issue. Includes general definitions previously located in sections 01 1116 Work By Owner and 01 4200 References (both being archived concurrently with 01 4216 issuance). Rev. 1-Added statement on Div-01 precedence. Changed LANS to Triad. Other minor changes Rev. 2-Revised COC and CMTR definitions, new term Certification Document; other minor changes |
01 4219 | R0* | Reference Standards | *Superceded by 01 4200. | |
01 4444 | R0 R1 R2 |
Offsite Welding and Joining Requirements | Rev. 0 - Initial issue; supersedes welding requirements formerly in 01 4000 Quality Requirements Rev. 1 - Minor update to clarify fillet and partial pen weld dimensioning; other minor changes |
01 4455 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Onsite Welding and Joining Requirements | Rev. 0 - Initial issue; supersedes welding requirements formerly in 01 4000 Quality Requirements Rev. 1 - Corrected 01 4455 Onsite Welding & Joining to reflect standardization for issue of LANL Stocked Filler material Rev. 2 - Minor update to clarify fillet and partial pen weld dimensioning |
01 4631 | R0 R1 |
Welding of B31 Piping | Rev. 0 - Initial issue. Rev. 1 - Section name updated, clarified intent being weld thickness specificity, added option to move content to Drawings or Div 02-48 (wherein submittals are to be sent), updated code editions and other references. |
01 4731 | R0 R1 |
Flange Assembly for B31 Systems | Rev. 0 - Initial issue. Rev. 1 - Clarified intent, added option to move content to Drawings or Div 02-48 (wherein submittals are to be sent), updated code editions and other references. |
01 5705 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Temporary Controls and Compliance Requirements | Rev. 2 - Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3 - Minor editorial changes and clarification of NMED and NPDES reporting. Rev. 4 - Addresses recent regularatory changes as well as changes in related implementation activities. |
01 6000 | R0 R1 R2 |
Product Requirements | Rev. 1 - Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Minor revisions made to this section include general formatting. |
01 7700 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Closeout Procedures | Rev. 1 - Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Major revision: revised submittal requirements, added substantial completion requirements, added sustainable design requirements, revised cleaning requirements Rev. 3 - Revisions made to this section include updating/correcting of references, incorporation of lessons learned, and general formatting |
01 7823 | R0 | Operation and Maintenance Data | Rev. 0 - New spec. Removed O&M requirements from Spec 01 3300 Submittal Procedures | |
01 7839 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Project Record Documents | Rev. 1-Admin.changes; updated document using approved version of 01720 R3, which was approved 9/5/03. During renumbering assignment, wrong version of document was used. Rev. 2- Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3-Major revision, revised submittal requirements, revised record document descriptions. |
01 8113.13 | R0 | Sustainable Design | Rev. 0 - New standard spec section to capture sustainable design goals of a project when ESM Chapter 14 applies | |
01 8734 | R0 R1 |
Seismic Qualification of Nonstructural Components (IBC) | Rev. 0-Initial issue. Rev. 1-Updated for earthquake loads in ESM Ch. 5 Sect. II R11 (new accelerations for SDC D; added SDC C and its accelerations) |
01 9100 | R0 | Commissioning | Rev. 0- Initial issue. | |
Existing Conditions - ARCHIVES Top of page | ||||
02 3000 | R0 R1* |
Subsurface Investigation | Rev. 1- Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma(Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *CANCELLED; requirement addressed by General Conditions (Long Form Constr/Env Field Services, Exhibit A, GC-17 Site Conditions and Natural Resources (May 2007). |
02 4115 | R0 R0a R1 R2 R3 |
Electrical Demolition | Rev. 0a- Admin changes that include: Updated LANL LIRs to the appropriate ISDs. Updated title for NFPA 70E. Changed "UTR" to "STR." Changed "Contractor" and "Subcontractor" to Constructor Rev. 1- Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2- Expanded list of potential locations of hazardous materials. Updated organization names. Updated designation of official LANL documents. Added requirement to protect electrical utility equipment. Rev. 3 - |
02 4119 | R0 R1 R2 |
Selective Structure Demolition | Rev. 1- Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma(Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2- Added prohibition against driving/tapping post-installed expansion anchors when demolishing such anchors above habitable areas. Ref. 01/29/15 notification from LANL QPA Lessons Learned Team. |
Concrete-ARCHIVES Top of page | ||||
03 1512 | R0 R1 R2 R3 * |
Post Installed Concrete Anchors Purchase-High Confidence | Rev. 1 - Minor clarification to 1.4.A and 2.1.C. Rev. 2 - Add Hilti Kwik HUS-EZ as qualified anchor and Prohibit Drillco flush type anchor. Rev. 3 - Added inspect and test requirements from former 03 1550, permitting flush-mount Maxi-bolts, clarified first line inspection by installer organization, other minor changes. *NOTE: Superceded by 05 0521 Post Installed Concrete Anchors -High Confidence 11/07/14 |
03 1534 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 * |
Post Installed Concrete Anchors Purchase-Normal Confidence | Rev. 1 - Minor clarifications to 1.4.A and 1.6.D; deletion of drop-in row in table. Rev. 2 - Add Hilti Kwik HUS-EZ as qualified anchor and Prohibit Drillco flush type anchor Rev. 3 - Change re material for wet locations, ML-3 possibility, LBO approval info, ESR numbers Rev. 4 - Added inspection requirements from former 03 1550, clarified these are installer inspections, permitted flush-mount Maxi-bolts, other minor changes. Rev. 5 - Change of "version" for /of Hilti's HIT-HY 150 MAX-SD. Rev. 6 - Replace Hilti HY-150 w/HY-200, & fix 2.2.A typos (e.g. delete 'drop-in,' etc.) *NOTE: Superceded by 05 0520 Post Installed Concrete and Grouted-Masonry Anchors -Normal Confidence 11/07/14 |
03 1550 | R0 R1 R2 R3 * |
Post Installed Concrete Anchors- Installation and Testing | Rev. 1- Added non-structural anchor inspection requirements Rev. 2 - Add Hilti Kwik HUS-EZ as qualified anchor and Prohibit Drillco flush type anchor Rev. 3 - Appendix A revised. *CANCELLED - 4/23/12 - Section deleted and requirements incorporated into 03 1512 and 03 1534 |
03 3001 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 |
Reinforced Concrete | Rev. 1- Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma(Subcontractor, STR, etc.) |
03 3021 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Reinforced Concrete - High Confidence | Rev. 0 - initial issue Rev. 1 - Incorporated experience from TRP UPS, RANT, other projects. Added VIT as Att. A. Rev. 2 - Added vapor barriers at 2.6, replaced single-value admix quantities in 4N with ranges using same methodology as AMEC used for 8E; updated both to final TRPIII UPS experience (tables at end of Part 2/Pg 29-30); added isolation joints for slab-on-grade (3.10.D/pg 48-49); addressed early pickup of cylinders (3.15.J) Rev. 3 - Streamlined Nonstructural/Cosmetic Defects/Deficiencies at 3.14 and created new article Structural Concrete Repair at 3.15 (and updated VIT numbering and added related hold point for structural damage review at 1.6.I.15). Invoked new 03 6021, Grouting – High Confidence (versus 03 6000, Grouting) throughout. Added Subcontractor and Testing Agency responsibilities for strength-test-cylinder curing at 3.1 and 3.16. Rev. 4 - Changes made are typo fixes in formwork submittals and rebar shipping tags added to rebar-CMTR submittal. |
R0 R1 R2 |
03 3021-CGD-TEA | Rev. 0 - initial issue Rev. 1 -Updated mix designs at 6.3 Material Weight to match 03 3021 r2 which included final experience from TRP II UP |
03 3053 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 |
Miscellaneous Cast-In-Place Concrete | Rev. 1- Added 1.5.B for compliance to water discharge EPA and NMED has outlined how concrete truck washout, among other items, is to be dealt with. Rev. 2-Changed 1.2.A.1 Rev. 3- Added 3.4E Rev. 4 - Added exclusion from using NMDOT Specs for Method of Measurement and basis of Payment Rev. 5- Periodic review. Update 1.2.A.1 NMDOT web site and 3.2.A. time notification Rev. 6 - 3.4.A and 3.4.E Rev. 7 - Added concrete material and approved LATM design mixes and clarified concrete finishing requirements. Rev. 8 - Provides LANL with additional options for miscellaneous concrete work Rev. 9 - New pozzolan-based pre-approved mix designs. Rev. 10-Tephra pozzolan-based pre-approved mix designs except for NMDOT (Class A, AA, and F). Rev. 11-Tephra pozzolan-based pre-approved mix designs for NMDOT (Class A, AA, and F) added. |
03 4100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Precast Structural Concrete | Rev. 0 initial issue Rev. 1 - Admin change to update specs number and title Rev. 2 - Updated for compliance with latest revision to ESM Ch. 5 Sect. II (which was revised to comply with DOE O 420.1C, DOE-STD-1020, IBC 2015, etc.) Also made some minor changes (e.g., typos fixes, etc.). Rev. 3 - Streamlined welding-related submittals and QC/QA requirements. Major revisions include the addition of the following: an article listing references, an erection-plan submittal, an article on Design Change, a para. on fabrication of temporary anchors, and some new Field QC requirements. And there are numerous minor revisions, typo fixes, etc. |
03 6000 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Grouting | Rev. 0 - Initial issue, expanding requirements formerly in 03 3001, 05 1000 and other locations Rev. 1 - changed reference to superseded PI-anchor section (i.e., 03 1534 became 05 0520) Rev. 2 - Updated template such that it is in accordance with latest revision to ESM Ch. 5 Sect. II (which was revised to comply with DOE O 420.1C, DOE-STD-1020, IBC 2015, etc.). Also made some minor changes (e.g., clarified author notes, typo fixes, etc.). Rev. 3-Relocated mix-design submittal to PART 1, added field-QC compressive-strength testing (typical UFGS/vendor practice), and typos fixes. Rev. 4-Added concrete repair material, plus other minor changes based on 03 6021 (high confidence) development (which was first issued concurrently with r4 of 03 6000). |
03 6021 | R0 | Grouting -High Confidence | Initial issue. | |
Masonry-ARCHIVES Top of page | ||||
04 2000 | R0 R1* |
Unit Masonry | Rev. 1-Grout spec number change. Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Superceded by 04 2220 |
04 2220 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Reinforced Unit Masonry | Rev. 0-New; replaces 04 2000 with a comprehensive revision and update based on IBC 2006 and commercial masters. Rev. 1-Added 05 0520 to related sections on pp.2. Rev. 2-Updated for compliance with latest revision to ESM Ch. 5 Sect. II (which was revised to comply with DOE O 420.1C, DOE-STD-1020, IBC 2015, etc.). Also made major change with regard to “industry standard template” used as “go by:” Much greater reliance on AIA Master Spec template (i.e., 04 2200); and much less reliance on SpecText Master Spec template (i.e., 04 2016). |
Metals-ARCHIVES Top of page | ||||
05 0520 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Post-Installed Concrete and Grouted-Masonry Anchors - Normal Confidence | Rev. 0 initial issue Rev. 1 -Added prohibition against driving/tapping post-installed expansion anchors when demolishing such anchors above habitable areas. Ref. 01/29/15 notification from LANL QPA Lessons Learned Team. Updated template such that it is in accordance with latest revision to ESM Ch. 5 Sect. II (which was revised to comply with DOE O 420.1C, DOE-STD-1020, IBC 2015, etc.). Also made some minor changes (e.g., typo fixes, etc.) Rev. 2-Minor updates for adhesive anchors, omissions, errors, and issues with poorly synched IBC and 318-4. Rev. 3-Corrected several typographical errors. Rev. 4-Added grouted-in-concrete type. Multiple changes to align to 05 0521 r2. Elimination of Drillco Maxi-Bolt (lack of ESR). Incorporation of VAR-10213 re 14-day waiting. Incorporation of CIR-16-002 addressing that anchorage of nonstructural components to concrete need not be in accordance with the seismic provisions of ACI 318 Chapter 17 if/when such components are exempt from the requirements of ASCE 7 Chapter 13. |
05 0521 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Post-Installed Concrete Anchors - Nuclear Safety | Rev. 0 initial issue Rev. 1 Added prohibition against driving/tapping post-installed expansion anchors when demolishing such anchors above habitable areas. Ref. 01/29/15 notification from LANL QPA Lessons Learned Team. Updated template such that it is in accordance with latest revision to ESM Ch. 5 Sect. III (which was revised to comply with DOE O 420.1C, DOE-STD-1020, etc.). Also made some minor changes (e.g., typo fixes, etc.) Rev. 2 Replaced Drillco Maxi-Bolt with Hilti HDA Rev. 3 Added Hilti KB-TZ. Title change. |
05 1000 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 |
Structural Metal Framing | Rev. 1-
Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma(Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2- Comprehensive revision and update based on IBC 2006, AISC 341, UFGS master and other documents Rev. 3- Clarified EOR requirements for AISC 341 QA plan (1.4) and erection plan (3.3), other minor changes. Rev. 4- OSHA-related wording (i.e. on column anchors); & grout-related requirements changed, to include baseplate installation requirements. Rev. 5- Admin changes to 2.3.B, 3.4, 3.9.B.2.b Rev. 6- Changed basis from UFGS to MasterSpec, & made more user friendly. Rev. 7- Clarified nut-tightening requirements for cast-in-place anchor rods (3.3.C). Rev. 8 - Added EOR notifications to 3.3.E.1.b (to ensure P-I anchor design ok) Rev. 9 - Rewritten and updated for compliance with latest revision to ESM Ch. 5 Sect. II (which was revised to comply with DOE O 420.1C, DOE-STD-1020, IBC 2015, etc.) Rev. 10 - Revised definitions (1.4), clarified CMTR needs (1.7.D). |
05 1305 | R0 R1 R2 |
Stainless Steel | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma(Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Expanded author notes (pg 1 and 2.2.D) and corrected typos in ASTMs listed in References |
05 2100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Steel Joist Framing | Rev. 1-Complete revision. Based on the UFGS and other documents. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma(Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3-Grout-related requirements changed Rev. 4-Rewritten and updated for compliance with latest revision to ESM Ch. 5 Sect. II (which was revised to comply with DOE O 420.1C, DOE-STD-1020, IBC 2015, etc.) |
05 3000 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Metal Decking | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma(Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2- Changed basis from UFGS to MasterSpec, clarified overlap w/roofs in Div.07 and made more user friendly. Rev. 3-Rewritten and updated for compliance with latest revision to ESM Ch. 5 Sect. II (which was revised to comply with DOE O 420.1C, DOE-STD-1020, IBC 2015, etc.). |
05 3113 | R0 * | Steel Floor Decking | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma(Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Superceded by 05 3000. |
05 3123 | R0 * | Steel Roof Decking | *Superceded by 05 3000. | |
05 4000 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 |
Cold-Formed Metal Framing | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma(Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2- Complete revision using a commercial template and for harmonization with the required AISI standards. Rev. 3-Clarify QA Requirements regarding furnings of framing materials (i.e. para. 1.5.A) Rev. 4-Updated the material requirement for screws/mechanical fasteners. Rev. 5-Rewritten and updated for compliance with latest revision to ESM Ch. 5 Sect. II (which was revised to comply with DOE O 420.1C, DOE-STD-1020, IBC 2015, etc.) |
05 5000 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 |
Metal Fabrications | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma(Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2- Complete rewrite based heavily on the SpecText template. Rev. 3- Grouting, baseplates now reference03 6000 and 05 1000 Rev. 4 - Admin change to update specs number and title Rev. 5 - Rewritten and updated for compliance with latest revision to ESM Ch. 5 Sect. II (which was revised to comply with DOE O 420.1C, DOE-STD-1020, 2015 IBC, etc.) Also, unlike previous, this revision is based on MasterSpec. Rev. 6 - Added metal floor plate which, along with creation of 05 5313 Bar Gratings [R0], allowed for canceling 05 5350 Gratings & Floor Plates [R4], all of which aligns with latest MasterSpec work breakdown. Rev. 7 - Streamlined welding-related submittals and QC/QA requirements |
05 5200 | R0 R1* |
Metal Railings | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma(Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *CANCELED. Created 05 5213 Pipe and Tube Railings focusing on type most used at LANL. |
05 5213 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Pipe and Tube Railing | Rev. 0 - Initial issue based on a commercial template; includes sustainable features. Rev. 1 - Grouting requirements now reference 03 6000, other minor changes Rev. 2 - Admin change to update specs number and title Rev. 3 - Rewritten and updated for compliance with latest revision to ESM Ch. 5 Sect. II (which was revised to comply with DOE O 420.1C, DOE-STD-1020, 2015 IBC, etc.) Also, unlike previous version, this revision is based on MasterSpec. |
05 5313 | R0 R1 |
Bar Gratings | Initial issue. Creation of this section and revision of 05 5000 Metal Fabs (to Rev. 6, to include metal floor plate) allowed cancelation of 05 5350 Gratings and Floor Plates (r4). Grouping of work in this new way follows the MasterSpec templates upon which these sections are now based. | |
05 5350 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4* |
Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma(Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Complete rewrite, title change reflects inclusion of FRP. Rev. 3- Rev. 4- Admin change to update specs number and title *CANCELED - Superseded by revised 05 5000 Metal Fabs (to Rev. 6, to include metal floor plate) and creation of 05 5313 Bar Gratings. Grouping of work in this way follows the MasterSpec templates upon which these sections are now based. |
Wood, Plastics, and Composites - ARCHIVESTop of page | ||||
06 1000 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Rough Carpentry | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-General re-write, revisions to submittal requirements, sustainable design requirements added. Rev. 3-Revisions made to this draft include updating of all references, enhancing the sustainability aspects of the spec, and general editing/formatting. |
06 2000 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Finish Carpentry | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Revisions made to this draft include updating of all references, enhancing the sustainability aspects of the spec, and general editing/formatting |
06 4100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Architectural Wood Casework | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Revisions made to this draft include updating of all references, enhancing the sustainability aspects of the spec, and general editing/formatting |
Thermal and Moisture Protection -ARCHIVESTop of page | ||||
07 0150.19 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Preparation for Re-Roofing | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - General re-write and re-formatting. Rev. 3 -Revisions made to this draft include updating of all references and general editing/formatting |
07 0155 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Roof Patching | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-General re-write and re-formatting. Rev. 3-Revisions made to this draft include updating of references and general editing/formatting |
07 1113 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Bituminous Dampproofing | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-General update; added sustainability requirements. Rev. 3-Updating/correcting of references, elimination of hot applied bituminous dampproofing, updating to current manufacturers, standards and products, and general formatting |
07 1326 | R0 R1 R2 |
Self-Adhering Sheet Waterproofing | Rev. 0-Initial Issue Rev. 1-Revisions made to this section include updating/correcting of references, updating current manufacturers, standards and products, and general formatting. |
07 2100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Thermal Insulation | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-General re-write and re-formatting. Incorporated spec section 07 2113 Board Insulation. Rev. 3-Revisions made to this draft include adding, deleting and correcting all references; added sub-section on polyisocyanurate foam board insulation (used extensively here at LANL); and general editing/formatting |
07 2113 | R0 R1* |
Board Insulation | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Delete 07 2113- Incorporated in revised speC 07 2100 Thermal Insulation, Rev. 2, 01 1510 and individual roofing specifications. |
07 2400 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-General re-write and re-formatting. Revised and updated submittal and sustainable design requirements. Specifies cementitious coating instead of synthetic coating due to woodpecker and small animals causing deterioration of synthetic coatings and insulation. |
07 3113 | R0 R1 R2 * |
Asphalt Shingles | Rev. 1- General references updating, and deletion of surplus material requirement. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) *CANCELED: Deleted Spec Section 07 3113, Asphalt Shingles specification from Master Spec List. Shingles are not normally used on new structures at the Lab unless it is a transportable or "temporary" building. These are usually purchased from a supplier who has their own specfications. (11/04/09) |
07 4113 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Metal Roof Panels | Rev. 1- General updating of code and standards references, and deletion of requirement to train and certify SSS by manufacturer. Rev. 2 - Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3 - General re-write and re-formatting Rev. 4 - Revisions made to this draft include adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references; and general editing/formatting. |
07 5050 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Membrane Roofing General Provisions | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Revisions made to this draft include adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references; incorporating the roofing SME’s input; and general editing/formatting |
07 5213.13 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Atatic-Polypropylene Modified-Bitumen Roofing, Cold-Applied | Rev. 0-New spec requested by LANL roofing program. Rev. 1-Revisions include adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references; inclusion of RAMP roofing program recommendations and lessons learned; and general editing/formatting Rev. 2-Minor change to the material callout on page 15 and 16 |
07 5216 | R0 R1 R2* |
Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Major revision, reorganized spec format, added sustainability requirements, added substrate boards, insulation, vapor retarder and cover board requirements, deleted cold applied specs. *Rev. 2 - Cancel and archive. This section is for a multi-ply membrane roof system that is hot asphalt mopped, which LANL no longer uses. Sections remain for suitable “cold applied adhesive” alternatives for both APP and SBS modified bitumen membrane roofing. |
07 5217 | R0 R1 R2 |
Strene-Butadiene-Styrene Modified-Bituminous Membrane Roofing, Cold-Applied | Rev. 0 - New spec for SBS roofing, cold applied Rev. 1 - Revisions include adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references; inclusion of RAMP roofing program recommendations and lessons learned; and general editing/formatting |
07 5316 | R0 R1 R2* |
Chlorosulfonate-Polyethylene Roofing | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-General rewrite and reformatting. Added insulation. Updated manufacturers. *Cancelled and archived. CSPE has only one supplier who has only committed to supplying for a limited time. Proven alternatives (APP, SBS) are readily available and are more easily repaired. Patching CSPE is only possible with CSPE so must continue, but does not require a specification. |
07 6200 | Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim | Rev. 1-General updating of standards references; Correction of typos; and elimination of certification submittal requirement for lead paint and asbestos-free products which are no longer available. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3-General re-write and re-formatting, Incorporated spec section 07 7123 Manufactured Gutters and Downspouts. Rev. 4-Adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references and general editing/formatting. |
07 7100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Roof Specialties | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-General re-write and re-formatting. Revised and updated Sustainable Design requirements. |
07 7123 | R0 R0a R1* |
Manufactured Gutters and Downspouts | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Deleted-Incorporated in revised Spec Section 07 6200 sheet Metal Flashing and Trim R3, 01/15/10 |
07 7233 | R0 R1 R2* |
Roof Hatches | Rev. 1- Updating of referenced code and standards. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Cancel and archive. The effort to update and maintain is not justified for these, since they lack a lot of LANL specifics or implement the ESM, so commercial masters are acceptable. (12/21/16) |
07 7600 | R0 R1 R2* |
Roof Pavers | Rev. 1-Changed warranty to manufacturer's standard, and correction of typos Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Cancel and archive. The effort to update and maintain is not justified for these, since they lack a lot of LANL specifics or implement the ESM, so commercial masters are acceptable. (12/21/16) |
07 8400 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Firestopping | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Clarified manufacturer qual requirements, inspection timing. Rev. 3-General update; added sustainability requirements. Updated submittal requirements. Rev. 4-Minor revision of labelling requirements. Added TA-55 content and authors notes Rev. 5-Addition of AHJ approval of Eng Judgements for non-listed installations. Requirement for installer inspection report. Addressed oversight for IBC high risk, ML-1/2. Improved terminology. TWF and recent training experience added Rev. 6- Aligned definitions with those in the IBC and clarified QA and QC expectations in comment to the authors. Broadened scope to include smoke barriers and fire-resistant joints. Removed unnecessary information (weren’t requirements) |
07 9200 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Joint Sealants | Rev. 1-Updating of references, correction of typos, and inclusion of LEED VOC Limit Criteria. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3-General update, added sustainability requirements, updated submittal requirements. Rev. 4-Revisions made to this updated section include adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references, validating manufacturers and general editing/formatting |
Opening- ARCHIVESTop of page | ||||
08 1100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Metal Doors and Frames | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Revisions made to this section include major updating/correcting of references, general updating to current industry standards based in part on AIA MasterSpec input, and general formatting |
08 1213 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Hollow Metal Frames | Rev. 1- Revisions included minor text/grammar corrections, standards references update, and product manufacturing list update Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3-Revisions made to this section include major updating/correcting of references, general updating to current industry standards based in part on AIA MasterSpec input, and general formatting |
08 1400 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Wood Doors | Rev. 1-Revisions included minor text/grammar corrections, standards references update, and inclusion of LEED criteria. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3-Revisions include updating, eliminating and adding references; enhancing sustainability aspects; and general editing/formatting Rev. 4-Reference name change |
08 3100 | R0 R1 R2* |
Access Doors and Panels | Rev. 1-Updating of references, correction of typos, confirmation of manufacturers. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Cancel and archive. The effort to update and maintain is not justified for these, since they lack a lot of LANL specifics or implement the ESM, so commercial masters are acceptable. (12/21/16) |
08 3323 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Overhead Coiling Doors | Rev. 1-Added warranty provision, correction of typos, confirmation of manufacturers. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3-Complete re-write to align with industry practice and added references |
08 4113 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Aluminum-Framed Entrances and Storefronts | Rev. 1-Revisions include - edited warranty provision to mftr's standard, correction of typos, confirmation of manufacturers. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3-Revisions include adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references; updating manufacturers, and general editing/formatting |
08 5113 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Aluminum Windows | Rev. 1-Updated Referenced Standards Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3-Revisions made to this spec section include adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references; enhancement of sustainability aspects; and general e diting/formatting. Rev. 4-Reformatting and moving some submittal requirements out of Sustainable Design Submittals and into Action or Informational Submittals. |
08 7100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Door Hardware | Rev. 1-Revised Sections: 1.5.A.4, 2.5.B.6, 2.6.C,D, & J Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3-Revisions made include updating/verifying/correcting references, materials, finishes and products, and general editing/formatting. Rev. 4-Revision adds notes to editor and specifications for VTR entry door hardware Rev. 5-Changed 1.5.D to 1.5.C.8 to clarify/correct intent |
08 8000 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Glazing | Rev. 1-Revisions include - added LEED Credit criteria, edited warranty provision to mftr's standard, correction of typos, confirmation of manufacturers. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3-Revisions made to this spec section include adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references; enhancement of sustainability aspects; and general editing/formatting. Rev. 4-The product is deleted that did not fully meet the specified requirements for “non-staining” Rev. 5-Reformatting and moving some submittal requirements out of Sustainable Design Submittals and into Action or Informational Submittals. |
08 9100 | R0 R1 R2* |
Louvers | Rev. 1-Complete Revision Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Cancel and archived 6/12/17. |
Finishes- ARCHIVESTop of page | ||||
09 2116 | R0 R1 R2 R2.1 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 |
Gypsum Board Systems | Rev. 1-Revisions include updated references, removal of metal stud spacing (should be done on drawings), requiring formaldehyde-free acoustic insulation and specified batt thicknesses available. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2.1 - Admin change to address sway bracing in authors note. Rev. 3-Clarified required fasteners. Rev. 4-Revisions include adding clarification concerning light gauge metal framing versus structural steel framing; adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references; and general editing/formatting Rev. 5-Minor change to gage thickness of metal studs Rev. 6-Minor change to correct insulation thicknesses that were not industry standard. Rev. 7-Deleted 2.2.A.3-Studs and tracks conforming to ASTM C 645 and GA-600; [minimum 20] [insert specific thickness as necessary] gage |
09 2913 | R0 R1* |
Gypsum Roof Board | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Cancel and archive. The effort to update and maintain is not justified for these, since they lack a lot of LANL specifics or implement the ESM, so commercial masters are acceptable. (12/21/16) |
09 3013 | R0 R1* |
Ceramic Tiling | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Cancel and archive-Section was outdated and, since so many variables and options exist for this finish, standardization is not really practical. Future need can be met by an edited version of a commercial master or the archived section updated for a specific use. |
09 5100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 |
Acoustical Ceilings | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-General rewrite and re-formatting. Revised and updated seismic and sustainable design requirements. Rev. 3-Revisions made to this spec section include adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references; enhancement of structural requirements to IBC2015; and general editing/formatting Rev. 4-Corrected “seismic-related errors” in article 2.3 Rev. 5-Minor changes made to better, and consistently, differentiate between acoustic tile ceilings and acoustic panel ceilings. Rev. 6- Updated for earthquake loads in ESM Ch. 5 Sect. II R11 (new accelerations for SDC D; added SDC C and its accelerations) |
09 6500 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Resilient Flooring | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2- Verified and updated Reference Standards; clarified Submittals and made some conditionally optional; reformatted entire section to match CSI SectionFormat. Rev. 3-changes made include adding resilient base, adhesive/primers and rubber tile flooring. Rev. 4-Updating/correcting of references, updating to current manufacturer’s standards and products, and formatting. |
09 6513 | R0 R1* |
Resilient Base and Accessories | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *CANCELED - Salient features of resilient base, adhesive/primers and rubber tile flooring from this Section have been combined with 09 6500 Resilient Flooring allowing this Section to be cancelled. (12/09/09) |
09 6813 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Tile Carpeting | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Revisions made to this spec section include adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references; enhancement of sustainability aspects; and general editing/formatting |
09 6816 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Sheet Carpeting | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Revisions made to this spec section include adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references; enhancement of sustainability aspects; and general editing/formatting |
09 6900 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Access Flooring | Rev. 0 - Initial issue superseding 09 6919. changes include wholesale replacement of section with commercial template material. LANL seismic specifics, references updated and sustainable design features added. Rev. 1 - Rev. 2 - Admin changes to update specs number and title Rev. 3 - Revisions made to this spec section include adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references; enhancement of structural requirements to IBC2015; and general editing/formatting Rev. 4 - Updated for earthquake loads in ESM Ch. 5 Sect. II R11 (new accelerations for SDC D; added SDC C and its accelerations) |
09 6919 | R0 R1* |
Stringerless Access Flooring | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *CANCELED. Superseded by 09 6900 Access flooring. 7/28/10 |
09 9100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Painting | Rev. 1-Addition to 3.3B. Clarified requirements for items not to be painted including acceptance criteria. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3-Complete revision. Rev. 4-Revisions made to this spec section include adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references; enhancement of sustainability aspects; and general editing/formatting |
10 1100 | R0 R1* |
Visual Display Surfaces | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Cancel and archived 6/12/17 |
10 1405 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Signage, Exterior | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Complete rewrite with submittal requirements reduced, references updated and reformatted to SectionFormat. Rev. 3-Revisions made to this draft include adding, deleting, correcting and updating all references; and general editing/formatting |
10 1410 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Signage, Interior | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Complete rewrite with submittal requirements reduced, references updated and reformatted to SectionFormat. Rev. 3-Minor revisions include updating/correcting of references, updating to current manufacturer’s standards, and general formatting. |
10 2113.13 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Metal Toilet Compartments | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Major revision to this section is based in part on AIA MasterSpec in addition to updating/correcting of references, updating to current manufacturer’s standards and products, and general formatting. Rev. 3-Reformatting and moving some submittal requirements out of Sustainable Design Submittals and into Action or Informational Submittals. |
10 2800 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Toilet and Bath Accessories | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-General re-write and re-formatting. Revised and updated sustainable design requrirements. |
10 4400 | R0 R1 R2 |
Fire Protection Specialties | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Added provisions for exterior installations of fire extinguishers, either in cabinets or with covers. |
10 5113 | R0 R1* |
Metal Lockers | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Cancel and archived 6/12/17 |
EQUIPMENT -ARCHIVESTop of page | ||||
11 1313 | R0 R1* |
Loading Dock Bumpers | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Cancel and archived 6/12/17 |
11 5311.08 | R0 R1 |
Glovebox Design | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) | |
11 5311.10 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Glovebox Fabrication | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-QA Changes include addition of ASME NQA-1 requirements throughout spec. Reference to Section 11 5311.19 Chemical Resistant Coatings for Gloveboxes was added.Codes and Standards, many name changes to reflect the changes made in the Standards, ASTM A588 was added. Submittals Section was changed to make this more of a stand-alone spec.Fabrication Hold Points were changed to align with Lessons Learned from RLUOB and other recent projects. Windows section was changed to align with DOE-STD-1099-99.Weld Inspection section was modified to include Radiography.Attachment 2 was changed to match the submittals call out in the spec. Rev. 3- Two changes: gasket material callouts for neoprene and Viton are more formalized and allowing for a helium leak test in combination with PPDT or NPDT. Both meet AGS-G006-2005; ref. ES-55:17-001. |
11 5311.12 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Glovebox Installation | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Added sharps review in checklist (ref. LL 2009-26) Rev. 3- Glovebox Certification Checklist; The elimination of requirements that are outside the scope of installing a glovebox; Changing the requirement of having unused penetrations plugged on both sides to having unused penetrations plugged preferably on both sides Many other changes throughout Rev. 4-Clarified skirting requirements at 3.3.A.4.c per LANL Memorandum ES-DO-15-292, PF-4 Fire Skirting Design and Anchorage. Rev. 5-Attached checklist became two, minor updates throughout. |
11 5311.14 | R0 R1 |
Glovebox Gloves | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) | |
11 5311.16 | R0 R1 R2 |
Glovebox Feedthroughs, Hermetically Sealed | R1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) R2-Aligned requirements to match vendor practices and current requirements. Changes include Section 1.4, Submittals to include test reports; Section 3, Execution, updated codes and standards to current; and reduced tests and requirements to those necessary for safety basis crediting (vacuum leak test) and overall functionality (high potential test). |
11 5311.17 | R0 R1 |
Glovebox Instrumentation | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) | |
11 5311.18 | R0 R1 |
Glovebox Atmosphere Regenerable Purification Systems | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) | |
11 5311.19 | R0 | Chemical Resistant Coatings for Gloveboxes | Rev. 0 - Initial issue. | |
12 2113 | R0 R1* |
Horizontal Louver Blinds | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Cancel and archive. The effort to update and maintain is not justified for these, since they lack a lot of LANL specifics or implement the ESM, so commercial masters are acceptable.(12/21/16) |
12 3100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Manufactured Metal Casework | Rev. 1- Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Complete rewrite with submittals made mostly optional (if products provided exactly as specified) and sustainable design features added. Rev. 3 - Rev. 4 - Admin changes to update specs number and title |
12 5100 | R0 R1 R2* |
Office Furniture | Rev. 1-Revision to acceptable manufacturers due to changes in contracts, and general administrative revisions. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *CANCELED. The salient features of office furniture procurement and installation are to be included in the procurement documents associated with the LANL Basic Order Agreement Subcontracts as Government Furnished Equipment (GFE). Office furniture will no longer be provided by construction subcontractors (09/24/09) |
13 3419 | R0 R1 R2 R2a R2b R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Metal Building Systems | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Complete rewrite to add interior build-out and meet current code. Rev. 2a- Admin Change- added an Author Note on pp. 19 of our 13 3419 template based on an issue w/a current Proj (i.e., that’s using this template). Rev. 2b- Admin change- correction to 2.15 title and numbering, page 66. Rev. 3 - Replace AISC cert w/IAS accredit., & clarify horiz. diaphragm choices. Rev. 4-Major revision to this section includes updating to IBC 2015, elimination of building components covered in other LANL standard specification sections, updating/correcting of references, updating to current manufacturer’s standards and products, and general formatting Rev. 5-For roof panels: revised wind, fire, and hail resistance (2.3 K/L and 2.5) based on ESM Ch 4; added lap-seam specs and installation (2.5 and 3.5). |
13 3425 | R0 R1* |
Pressure Relief Wall Panels | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *CANCELED; little used and no LANL Specific content. (8/21/09) |
13 4713 |
R0 | Cathodic Protection | ||
13 4800 | R0 R1 R2* |
Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Technical and administrative updates throughout. *Cancelled and archived, need met by new 22_ and 26_0548.XX sections and recent revisions to Div 09 sections 6/27/17 |
14 2413 | R0 R1* |
Hydraulic Freight Elevators | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Cancel and archive. The effort to update and maintain is not justified for these, since they lack a lot of LANL specifics or implement the ESM, so commercial masters are acceptable. (12/21/16) |
14 2423 | R0 R1* |
Hydraulic Passenger Elevators | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Cancel and archive. The effort to update and maintain is not justified for these, since they lack a lot of LANL specifics or implement the ESM, so commercial masters are acceptable. (12/21/16) |
21 1313 | Wet-Pipe Sprinkler Systems | Rev. 1- Revised 3.2J Painting, and editorial changes Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3- Multiple changes through-out. For more details see the CENG DCRM Representative. Rev. 4- Standardized on a commercially-available vendor-prepared solution of 48% glycerin/52% water by volume, designated as GL48, the highest allowable concentration per the NFPA Alert and TIA 10-2 (higher concentrations exacerbate a fire). At 1.4.B.1, pressure margin now 10% or 10 psi (was 5 psi) to align with DOE-STD-1066 expectations, authors note on variances if low static pressure). Other minor changes on painting, test witnessing, etc. Rev. 5-Suppression system specs call out requirement that FP-DO must review/accept FP drawings prior to install Rev. 6-Updated seismic design requirements for IBC-2015 and anchor reference from division 03 to division 05 Rev. 7-Revised for sprinkler head design/placement with deep concrete TEE construction. FM DS 2-0 provides more definitive criteria and is consistent with DOE O 420.1C/DOE-STD-1066 objectives to meet HPR expectations. Also, these 4 plus 21 1326 revised for obsolete (and not lead-free) BFPs. Rev. 8-Clarification of expectations for design area (1.3.B, p 2-3), storage (1.6.C), gauge cal (2.4/5), sprinkler finish (2.8), shields (2.9.A.2), painting (3.2.J, p14). Added air vent (2.14, 3.2.M). Other minor changes. Rev. 9-Provision for IBC or later NFPA 13 (1.3), added office trailer exceptions, clarified zoning requirements (1.3.B.) and submittals, added waterflow motor alarm and inspector’s test connection, updated switch models, antifreeze requirements, and numerous other minor changes throughout. Rev. 10-Revised to provide consistency with other 21 13XX specifications and LANL expectations for welding and storage of material. Provided options for design performance requirements, and clarified designer qualifications and expectations for a PE stamp. Added additional flexibility for air vent type and installation. Rev. 11- Updated for earthquake loads in ESM Ch. 5 Sect. II R11 (new accelerations for SDC D; added SDC C and its accelerations) |
21 1316 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 |
Dry-Pipe Sprinkler Systems | Rev. 1-Revised 3.2J Painting and editorial changes Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3- Multiple changes through-out. For more details see the CENG DCRM Representative. Rev. 4-Suppression system specs call out requirement that FP-DO must review/accept FP drawings prior to install Rev. 5-Updated seismic design requirements for IBC-2015 and anchor reference from division 03 to division 05 Rev. 6-Revised for sprinkler head design/placement with deep concrete TEE construction. FM DS 2-0 provides more definitive criteria and is consistent with DOE O 420.1C/DOE-STD-1066 objectives to meet HPR expectations. Also, these 4 plus 21 1326 revised for obsolete (and not lead-free) BFPs. Rev. 7-Clarified sprinkler head storage (1.6) and painting (3.2.j) consistent with 21 1313; refined pressure gages (2.4-5), other minor changes in some or all. Rev. 8-Revised to provide consistency with other 21 13XX specifications, and clarified LANL expectations for welding and storage of material. Provided options for design performance requirements, and clarified designer qualifications and expectations for a PE stamp. Added additional flexibility for means of forward-flow test. |
21 1319 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 |
Preaction Sprinkler Systems | Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3- Multiple changes through-out. For more details see the CENG DCRM Representative. Rev. 4-Suppression system specs call out requirement that FP-DO must review/accept FP drawings prior to install Rev. 5-Updated seismic design requirements for IBC-2015 and anchor reference from division 03 to division 05 Rev. 6-Revised for sprinkler head design/placement with deep concrete TEE construction. FM DS 2-0 provides more definitive criteria and is consistent with DOE O 420.1C/DOE-STD-1066 objectives to meet HPR expectations. Also, these 4 plus 21 1326 revised for obsolete (and not lead-free) BFPs. Rev. 7-Clarified sprinkler head storage (1.6) and painting (3.2.j) consistent with 21 1313; refined pressure gages (2.4-5), other minor changes in some or all. Rev. 8- Revised to provide consistency with other 21 13XX specifications, and clarified LANL expectations for welding and storage of material. Provided options for design performance requirements, and clarified designer qualifications and expectations for a PE stamp. Added additional flexibility for means of forward-flow test. Referenced 28 4600 for detectors and controls. |
21 1326 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 |
Deluge Fire-Suppression Sprinkler Systems | Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3- Multiple changes through-out. For more details see the CENG DCRM Representative. Rev. 4-Suppression system specs call out requirement that FP-DO must review/accept FP drawings prior to install Rev. 5-Updated seismic design requirements for IBC-2015 and anchor reference from division 03 to division 05 Rev. 6-Revised for sprinkler head design/placement with deep concrete TEE construction. FM DS 2-0 provides more definitive criteria and is consistent with DOE O 420.1C/DOE-STD-1066 objectives to meet HPR expectations. Also, these 4 plus 21 1326 revised for obsolete (and not lead-free) BFPs. Rev. 7-Clarified sprinkler head storage (1.6) and painting (3.2.j) consistent with 21 1313; refined pressure gages (2.4-5), other minor changes in some or all. Rev. 8-Revised to provide consistency with other 21 13XX specifications, and clarified LANL expectations for welding and storage of material. Provided options for design performance requirements, and clarified designer qualifications and expectations for a PE stamp. Added additional flexibility for means of forward-flow test. Referenced 28 4600 for detectors and controls. |
21 1339 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7* |
Foam-Water Systems | Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3- Multiple changes through-out. For more details see the CENG DCRM Representative. Rev. 4-Suppression system specs call out requirement that FP-DO must review/accept FP drawings prior to install Rev. 5-Updated seismic design requirements for IBC-2015 and anchor reference from division 03 to division 05 Rev. 6-Revised for sprinkler head design/placement with deep concrete TEE construction. FM DS 2-0 provides more definitive criteria and is consistent with DOE O 420.1C/DOE-STD-1066 objectives to meet HPR expectations. Also, these 4 plus 21 1326 revised for obsolete (and not lead-free) BFPs. Rev. 7-Clarified sprinkler head storage (1.6) and painting (3.2.j) consistent with 21 1313; refined pressure gages (2.4-5), other minor changes in some or all. *Cancel and archived 9/17/20: Almost never put these type of systems in; a concerted effort between LANL and the designer will just occur if a foam-water sprinkler system is ever needed in the future. |
21 2200 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Clean Agent Fire-Extinguishing Systems | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Suppression system specs call out requirement that FP-DO must review/accept FP drawings prior to install Rev. 3-Update to make headings consistent with latest. Also changes 72 hour battery back expectation to 24 hour, which is per code requirement. Rev. 4-Added seismic requirements in 1.2.B and 1.3.C. based on NFPA 13, since NFPA 2001 lacks direction but is heading in that direction for 2018 edition. Rev. 5-Revised seismic requirements in 1.2 for compliance with NFPA 2001-18 and MSS SP-127 (as well as IBC & ESM). Heading 1.3.C reworded. Other minor changes. Rev. 6-Changed manual release stations and notification appliance requirements to different from fire alarm devises. Added requirements for separated pre-discharge and discharge alarms. Added pipe hanging requirements. Referenced 28 4600 for detectors and controls. |
21 2223 | R0* | Fixed Aerosol Fire Extinguishing System | *CANCELED and archived 5/18/17. | |
PLUMBING -ARCHIVESTop of page | ||||
22 0529 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment | Rev. 1-Revised Section 3.4B, Hanger Rod Size to agree with ANSI/MSS SP-69-2003. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3-Added new QA criteria and submittal requirments, updated insulation material specification and installation instructions Rev. 4-Deleted inserts, updated submittals section, updated hanger spacing distances Rev. 5-Updated for 2015 UPC/UMC Rev. 6-Updated Submittals. Updated table for refrigeration pipe support spacing |
22 0535 | R0 | Electric Heat Tracing | ||
22 0548 | R0 R1 R2 R3* |
Vibration and Seismic Controls for Pluming Piping and Equipment | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Technical and administrative updates throughout. Rev. 3-Admin change to update spec number and title *Cancel and Archive-6/27/17 superceded by 22 0548.23 |
22 0548.23 | R0 R1 R2 |
Vibration and Seismic Controls for Mechanical Systems | Rev. 0 - Initial issue, supersedes 22 0548 (retitled/numbered to conform to the MasterFormat2016 scheme and updated to IBC-2015 and latest industry examples).\ Rev. 1 - Streamlined welding-related submittals and QC/QA requirements |
22 0554 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Identification for Plumbing, HVAC, and Fire Piping and Equipment | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Fume hood related additions and other minor changes. Rev. 3-Updated Submittal List, updated valve tag selections, updated catalog numbers, minor editorial edits Rev. 4-Added reference to ASME A13.1. Added diesel fuel ID tags. General edits for clarity |
22 0713 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Plumbing and HVAC Insulation | Rev. 1-Add note to spec section, add new definitions, add under-sink piping covers, update insulation schedule. Rev. 2-Add note to spec section, add new definitions, add under-sink piping covers, update insulation schedule. Rev. 3-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 4 - Added new QA criteria and submittal requirments, updated insulation material specification and installation instructions Rev. 5-Updated Submittal List, updated insulation thicknesses, minor editorial edits Rev. 6-Added reference to ASME A13.1. Added diesel fuel ID tags. General edits for clarity |
22 0813 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 |
Testing Piping Systems | Rev. 1- Rev. 2- Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3 - Clarify piping testing requirements and revised test durations as applicable. Rev. 4 - Clarification of testing requirements in section 3.2. Rev. 5 - Add requirements for other process piping per B31.3 (3.2.M) to support 40 0513. Rev. 6 - Clarification of the requirement for a LANL test inspector. Rev. 7 - Minor revision to Part 3.2.C for testing the higher pressure natural gas piping to bring in line with standard requirements. Rev. 8 - Removed Holiday Testing, updated code references, updated submittal list, updated test pressures and durations Rev. 9-Updated to address IM 2020-0963 issues #3 and #4. Provided edits for clarity. Removed test pressure data and test duration data that has been listed in other specification sections |
22 0816 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Disinfection of Potable Water Piping | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Changed advance notification days, deleted references to on-site SDWA compliance laboratory, and added part on pressure testing prior to disinfection process. Rev. 3-Periodic review. Revisions to 1.2.A. due to contractor personnel beign dismissed and 1.3. added for Submittals and requirements, due to lack of appropriate personnel. Rev. 4- Added reference to National and State requirements. Clarified certified sampler and testing requirements. Rev. 5-New attachment for small scope work. Minor clarifications and corrections, including ES-UI, ESH, and EPC-CP (WQ) input |
22 1100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Facility Water Distribution | Rev. 1-Added model number to 2.14A and deleted 2.14C. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3 - Added new Quality Assurance and Submittal requirements, updated piping and accessories material specification and installation instructions. Rev. 4 -Updated Submittal List, updated model numbers to reflect lead free pipe and fitting requirements Rev. 5-Updated Submittals. Updated Model numbers for small PRVs. Added testing pressure and durations for pipe |
22 1316 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping | Rev. 1-Added PVC pipe and its limitations to the options of SWV. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3-Added new QA criteria and submittal requirements, added piping accessories material specification, updated piping material specification and installation instructions. Rev. 4-Added Seismic Requirements, Updated model numbers, Updated Code References, added floor drain trap seal protection device Rev. 5-Removed references to welding and certified welders. Added testing pressure and durations for pipe |
22 1343.16 | R0 R1 R2 |
Facility Wet-Well Packaged Sewage Pumping Stations (Interior) | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Deleted Part 2.9.B.24 |
22 1413 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Facility Storm Drainage Piping | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Added new QA criteria and submittal requirements, added piping accessories material specification, updated piping material specification and installation instructions. Rev. 3-Updated Submittals. General Edits for clarity. Added testing requirements for pressures and durations |
22 1500 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Compressed-Air Systems | Rev. 1 -Added note referencing Drawings ST-D2090-1 to info within “stars” on page 1, added last sentence to info within “stars” at Section 2.12, and deleted “No Substitution” for Torpedo Oil/Water Separator. Rev. 2 -Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 3 -Added new QA criteria and submittal requirments, updated insulation material specification and installation instructions Rev. 4- Added Seismic Requirements, Updated model numbers, Updated Code References, added designer notes |
22 3700 | R0 R1 R2 |
Domestic Water Heaters | Rev. 0 Initial issue Rev. 1-Added Seismic Requirements, Updated model numbers, Updated Code References Rev. 2-Updated Submittals, general edits for clarity, removed information relating to water heaters subject to ASME B&PVC, Section IV, Part HLW. |
22 4200 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 |
Plumbing Fixtures | Rev. 1-Shower Manufacturer change due to basin design. Rev. 2-Added notes within stars at sections 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4. Revised 2.2B, 2.3B, and 2.4B. Added 2.2C, 2.3C, and 2.4C. Rev. 3-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 4 - Updated QA criteria and submittal requirements, clarified material specification and installation instructions. Rev. 5 - Reduced volume of water closet flushometers and showers; added ADA requirements. Rev. 6 - Updated model numbers, modified selections to reflect those with water saving features Rev. 7-General updates for clarity and model numbers |
HVAC -ARCHIVESTop of page | ||||
23 0593 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing for HVAC | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Additions for fume hoods and other minor improvements. Rev. 3 - Updated Submittal and Quality Assurance requirements, added qualification requirements for TAB agency and personnel, and clarified Rev. 4 - Updated Submittal Requirements, added directions for projects where LANL MOF-SU provides TAB, added statement for LANL to provide TAB Agency with copies of test reports submitted by sub-contractor. |
23 0800 | R0 | Commissioning of HVAC | Rev. 0 Initial issue. | |
23 1123 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Facility Natural-Gas Piping | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Added new QA welding specification, clarified piping and valve specification, updated installation requirements. Rev. 3-Added controls for purging indoors based on CSB recommendations. Rev. 4-Updated submittals related to welding of pipe. Added testing requirements for pressures and durations. |
23 2113 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Hydronic Piping | Rev. 1-Added 2.16A.3, 2.16B.3, and 3.4T Rev. 2-Change to manufacturer type in 2.14 Rev. 3-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 4 - Added new QA welding std and spec, update piping material standard, clarify preparation and installation requirements. Rev. 5-Updated to reflect requirements of ESM Chapter 17, Pressure Safety |
23 2213 | R0 R1 R2 R3* |
Steam & Condensate Heating Piping | Rev. 1-Added designer note to 1.3.A. Rev. 2-Revised Section 2.5 Gasket Material. 20 psig was 100 psig. Rev. 3-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *CANCELED; combined with 23 2217 to become 23 2215. (09/23/09) |
23 2215 | Steam & Condensate Heating Piping and Specialties | Rev. 0 - Revised Submittals and Quality Assurance requirements. Includes minor update on product specification. Rev. 1 - Added Seismic requirements, updated Model Numbers, Updated Code References, added designer notes |
23 2217 | R0 R1* |
Steam & Condensate Specialties | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *CANCELED; combined with 23 2213 to become 23 2215. (09/23/09) |
23 2300 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Refrigerant Piping | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Revised submittals and Quality Assurance requirements. Added installation guidance for refrigerant specialties. Rev. 3-Updated code references, updated submittal lists, Removed soldering instructions, added refrigerant specialties. |
23 2500 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
HVAC Water Treatment | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Added performance requirement, updated subcontractor and submittal requirements, and updated Part 3 of the specification for installation and test and inspection. Rev. 3- Updated Submittal Requirements, Expanded equipment list for open cooling tower water treatment, added simplified cleaning instructions for minor modifications. |
23 3100 | R0 R1 R2* |
HVAC Ducts and Casings | Rev. 1-Revised Section 3.7 Duct Leakage Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *CANCELED: Superceded by 23 3101 |
23 3101 | R0 R1 |
HVAC Ducts | Rev. 0 - Initial issue. Supersedes 23 3100 with new title, added new QA welding std and spec, update duct material standard, provided additional duct fabrication and duct joint sealing methods, and clarify installation requirements. Rev. 1 - Updated submittal lists, defined finish requirements for exposed ducts, inserted directions for 100% penetration welds for lab ductwork, added requirements for duct leakage testing. |
23 3225 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Bag-in Bag-out Housings | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Added requirements from DOE-HDBK-1169-2003, Ch. 8. Updated requirements from ASME N509 and N510 to ASME AG-1. Expanded Submittal Section and information for filters used in housings. Added QA and Packaging and Shipping Sections. |
23 3300 | R0 R1 R2 |
Air Duct Accessories | Rev. 0 - Initial issue. Rev. 1 - Updated submittal lists, added additional quality information and model numbers for control dampers. |
23 3400 | R0 R1 |
HVAC Fans | Rev. 0 - Initial issue. Rev. 1 - Added seismic design notes, updated submittals section, added plenum fans |
23 3816 | R0 R1 R2 |
Fume Hoods | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Complete update. |
23 4133 | R0 R1 R2* |
High Efficiency Particulate Filtration | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Added requirements from DOE-HDBK-1169-2003, Ch.8 and App A-C. submittals revised to include QA requirements used in recent purchases. ASME AG-1, Section FK Special HEPA Filters requirements added. Aded info on hi-temp filters used at TA-55. Reorganized the various filters. Editing instructions revised. Att updated with the latest manufacturer info. *CANCELED 12/12/18 Superceded by 23 4133.13, 23 4133.16, and 23 4133.19 |
23 4133.13 | R0 | HEPA Filters – ASME AG-1, Section FC | Rev. 0 - Initial issue. | |
23 4133.16 | R0 | HEPA Filters – ASME AG-1, Section FK, Special | Rev. 0 - Initial issue. | |
23 4133.19 | R0 | HEPA Filters – Auxiliary Nuclear Grade | Rev. 0 - Initial issue. | |
23 6200 | R0 R1 |
Packaged Compressor and Condenser Units | Rev. 0 - Initial issue. Rev. 1- Updated submittals section, Added editor’s notes for Seismic Design |
23 6509 | R0 R1* |
Induced-Draft Cooling Towers--Steel | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *CANCEL and archive. The effort to update and maintain is not justified for these, since they lack a lot of LANL specifics or implement the ESM, so commercial masters are acceptable. (12/21/16) |
23 6511 | R0 R1* |
Induced-Draft Cooling Towers--Fiberglass | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *CANCELED and archive. The effort to update and maintain is not justified for these, since they lack a lot of LANL specifics or implement the ESM, so commercial masters are acceptable. (12/21/16) |
23 7300 | R0* | Indoor Central-Station Air Handling Units | *CANCELED - 11/21/17 This spec is rarely used, and has many out of date references. It was based on the Trane Modular Climate Changer product line, and Trane has completely updated this line since this standard spec was developed in 2010 | |
23 7413 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Packaged, Outdoor, Central Station | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Revised Submittals and QA requirement, minor update on equipment specification, and updated Part 3 of specification. Rev. 3 - Updated submittals section, Added editor’s notes for Seismic Design, updated MERV requirements. |
23 8123 | R0 R1 |
Computer Room Air-Conditioners | Rev. 0 - Initial issue. Rev. 1 - Updated submittals section, Added editor’s notes for Seismic Design |
23 8239 | R0 R1 |
Unit Heaters | Initial issue. Rev. 1 - Updated submittals section, Added editor’s notes for Seismic Design. |
25 0519 | R0 R1 R2 |
Low Voltage Electrical Conductors and Cables For BAS Electrical Systems | Rev. 0 - Initial issue Rev. 1 - Changed compliance with the NEC statement to installation requirements only. Remove requirement for items to be listed for the condition, environment, installation. The requirement now is simply to be listed. Edited colour codes to be more specific. Added 600 volt insulation, as an option, for BAS cables. Added conditions at to when 600 volt cable is used. Rev. 2- Minor clarifications throughout. |
25 0529 | R0 | Hangers and Supports for Building Automation Systems | Rev. 0 - Initial issue | |
25 0533 | R0 | Raceways and Boxes for BAS Electrical Systems | Rev. 0 - Initial issue | |
25 0553 | R0 | Identification for BAS Electrical Systems | Rev. 0 - Initial issue | |
25 5000 | R0 R1 R2 |
Integrated Automated Facility Controls | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Referenced both div 25 and div 26 specs. Add statement that submittals are not needed if equipment is fully specified by manufacture and model number. Removed Alerton from acceptable installers. Updated references to Windows operating system. Fixed grammar in various locations. Changed ES-DE to ES-EPD in several locations. Changed references to div 16 to div 25. Deleted many old references to computer systems, such as 32-bit, or monitor resolutions. Changed LANL Network Engineering to NIE. Added manufacturers to some of the equipment. Removed requirement for panels to have keys. Added section 2.37 Power Supplies. Changed voltage to some equipment from 120 volts to 24 volts |
25 5256 | R0 | Building Automation Systems (BAS) Programming | Rev. 0 Initial issue. | |
25 5911 | R0 | Equipment Shutdown Circuits for BAS Systems | Rev. 0 - Initial issue | |
ELECTRICAL -ARCHIVESTop of page | ||||
26 0513 | R0 R1* |
Medium Voltage Cables | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *Canceled; construction subcontractor requirements are captured in related sections and procurments not dependent on this section. (Note to file: In the future, LANL may create a new, complete technical spec for cable and termination materials plus a complete description of the installation requirements. This could reside with the other LANL Master Specs, but with clear instructions that it is for LANL self-performed work and is not intended to be included in specs issued to construction subcontractors.) 8/20/09 |
26 0519 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 |
Low Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables | Rev. 1- Expanded conductor color codes to include 120/240V systems and switch leg Conductors.
Clarified MC cable specification to include an insulated copper equipment grounding conductor.
Clarified requirements for compression connectors on large conductors.
Updated pulling lubricant specification. Added requirement to install MC cable per new NECA 120. Rev. 2-Updated references to UL and other NRTL standards. Added multi-tap wiring connectors. Prohibited insulation-piercing type wiring connectors. Clarified conductor sizes required for long branch circuits. Changed building code references from UBC to IBC. Checked for the terms such as University and Contractor. Rev. 3-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 4- Added definition for the term "critical systems" which is used several places in the Section. Added submittals requirement for compression connectors, installation tools, and dies. Added Project Record Document submittals for cable pulling records and field quality control inspections and tests.Added AA 8000 aluminum alloy conductors for circuits 1/0 AWG and larger in accordance with Section D5010 of ESM Chapter 7. (Note: The design engineer, not the subcontractor, decides where aluminum conductors are to be used.)Expanded the use of MC cables to branch circuits larger than 20 amperes. (This will mainly be for branch circuits to computer equipment; the MC cables will be installed under computer room raised floors.) Expanded list of box connectors for use with MC cable. Added push-on insulated spring connectors for 15 and 20 ampere branch circuit conductors.Tightened-up product specification for compression terminals, both for copper and aluminum conductors. Prohibited use of range-taking, die-less, or indenter-applied compression terminals. Specified more correct materials for making tape-insulated connections and splices. Added varnished-cambric tape for making re-enterable splices and connections. Added EPR tape as the primary insulating material in tape-insulated connections and splices; vinyl tape is to be used as the protective outer covering. Added requirement that wire pulling lubricant leave no flammable residue; changed wire pulling lubricant manufacturer. Added restriction on handling cables that are very cold. Added NECA/AA 104 Recommended Practice for Installing Aluminum Building Wire (ANSI) in the building wire installation requirements. Added provisions to prevent damage to conductor, insulation, or jacket due to excessive installation pulling tension or sidewall pressure; requires cable pulling calculations and the use of a tension measuring device for all critical systems and for some combinations of bends and conduit lengths for other systems. Added contract-enforceable requirements to address situations where unanticipated field conditions may require the installation of copper conductors instead of aluminum conductors. (e.g. insufficient wire-bending space in a panelboard cabinet to accommodate compression terminals on a circuit breaker.) Tightened-up installation requirements for compression terminals, both for copper and aluminum conductors. Specified more correct method for making tape-insulated connections and splices. Tightened up field quality control: made sequence of inspections and tests more logical, and added requirement to test insulation on each service and feeder conductor and on critical system branch circuit and control conductors. Rev 4-ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE: paragraph 2.2-A.3: Corrected insulation type from XHHW to XHHW-2 Rev. 5 - Changed submittals, color coding for new/existing facilities, MC cable, connectors, installation, quality control. Rev. 6 - Removed definition of critical systems and listed where it appears in document. Allow Aluminum conductors for all circuits 8 AWG and larger, except for ML-1 and ML-2. Re-arrange color code sections. Add note that color codes are for construction only. Added note that isolated grounds may only be used with approval of POC. Remove restriction of max 2 AWG for MC cable. Added note for size of conduit bodies. Removed requirement for removing abandoned. Allow stranded conductors when pressure-plate terminations are used Added phrase that rotation must be kept constant downstream of the utility transformer |
26 0526 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Editorial changes, removed existing work requirements, clarified connection requirements, clarified when ground rods are needed, added New Mexico requirements for ground rods, clarified concrete encased electrode requirements, removed supplemental electrodes, changed bonding location from first disconnect to transformer, removed resistance requirements |
26 0529 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 |
Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2- Relocated seismic protection materials and installation requirements to the new Section 26 0548. Added instructions to the specifier to help identify electrical components to which this section applies. Added requirements that post installed anchors have an ICC-ES evaluation report. Updated catalog numbers for pre-set anchor and post-installed anchor products. Limited use of powder-actuated fasteners to individual conduits 2-1/2 inches and smaller. Reduced minimum thickness of concrete bases to 3.5 inches unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. Rev. 3-
Rev. 5- Admin changes to update spec numbers and title Rev. 6- Streamlined seismic wording, added nuclear use caution, other minor corrections and updates |
26 0533 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 |
Raceway and Boxes for Electrical Systems | Rev. 1-
Rev. 3-
Added five LANS "inspection points" as part of the FIELD QUALITY CONTROL article. Revision includes the requirement for two days advance notice to the STR for LANS inspections. Rev. 5 - Clarified outlet box and conduit type and installation (2.19.B.2, 3.4.D, 3.7.A.6-7) Rev. 6 - Deleted plastic-coated RMT and changed sealing requirements to address issues with conduit draining (concrete encased feeders, fittings on top of switchboard/switchgear, and in rooms with fire suppression systems). Rev. 7-Added requirements for seismic. Changed “conduit” to “raceway” in many locations. Changed raceway sizes from ‘inches’ to trade sizes. Included references to conduit bodies. Corrected listing requirements. Added blue color for Building Automation systems and red color for fire alarm systems. Removed “malleable iron” from certain specifications (no longer made). Changed general sealing to not require classified area boundary fittings. Removed Square D as acceptable manufacturer of wireways and replaced with Hoffman. Removed specific depth requirements for outlet boxes. Removed requirement for underground raceways to slope 4 inches per 100 feet and incorporated VAR-16-004, Underground Fire Alarm; Trench and Conduit Design. Added instructions on how to install expansion joints. Modified height for light switch boxes to conform to ADA. Rev. 8 -Deleted 3.4.A.6.a. “Within drywall partitions and above false ceilings: Use RMC, IMC, or EMT.” (undefined terms and no code requirement). Rewrote flexible connection section (3.4.A.7; ASCE-7 regards raceways 2.5 inches and smaller to be flexible). Changed 28 3100 to 38 4600. |
26 0536 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Cable Trays for Electrical Systems | Rev. 1- Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Corrected IBC seismic criteria in Service Conditions article. In Submittals article added requirement for seismic qualifications of cable tray systems designated with Ip greater than 1.0. In Submittals article added guidance about when detailed shop drawings of cable tray systems may be warranted. Revised Cable Tray Firestop articles to address products and installation requirements unique to cable tray systems. In Installation article, replaced Section 26 0520 with Section 26 0548 – Vibration and Seismic Controls for Electrical Systems. Rev. 3- Removed fire stop portions. Added new seismic requirements. Removed general listing requirements. Added class descriptions. Removed resistance requirements (of splice plates).Removed requirement for label to not use as a walkway. Modified requirements for existing work. Added specifics for installing expansion plates and where to place splice plates Rev. 4-Removed fire stopping from spec; Removed seismic requirements; Removed general listing requirements; Added class descriptions; Removed resistance requirements (of splice plates); Removed requirement for label to not use as a walkway; Modified requirements for existing work; Added specifics for installing expansion plates and where to place splice plates |
26 0548.16 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Seismic Controls for Electrical Systems | Rev. 0 initial issue. Superceded 26 0548 Rev. 1 Minor corrections and clarifications. Rev. 2 Admin change added 28 4600 to paragraph 1.1.B. |
26 0548 | R0 R1 R2 R3* |
Vibration and Seismic Controls for Electrical Systems | Rev. 0-Some material formerly in 26 0529. Rev. 1 -
Rev. 3- Admin change to update spec numbers and title. *Superceded by 26 0548.16, Seismic Controls for Electrical Systems 3-30-17 |
26 0553 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 |
Identification for Electrical Systems | Rev. 1-added NFPA 70E to regulatory requirements, moved coordination requirements from Part 3 to Part 1, added "instructions to specifier " throughout the document, added requirement for "wiring system color code labels," revised arc-flash and shock hazard warning labels to align with NFPA 70E and LANL ISD 101-13, added requirement that materials for warning labels comply with UL969, made paint the accepted method for working space floor marking, provided option to delete Category 1 nameplates from equipment where circuit directory information is provided on the arc-flash and shock hazard warning labels. Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 -
Rev. 4-Arc flash and shock hazard labels modified Rev. 5-Danger label signal lettering changed from red to white to meet ANSI Z535.4 and LANL practice at 2.8B and F. Also, condition/basis info removed from Arc Flash warning label boundary distance line at 2.8.E (Design #2); LANL doesn’t take credit for the conditions. Fixed numbering of 2.8 |
26 0700 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Induction Motors-500HP and Smaller | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 -Clarification that special-purpose motors are not addressed by this Section. Updated and expanded standards referenced in QA paragraph in Part 1. Added environmental qual requirements for Importance Factor greater than 1.0. Updated Service Conditions paragraph to match the IBC. Added Project Record Documents paragraph to capture field tests. Specified IEEE Std 841 motors for severe duty applications. Corrected and updated motor bearing specifications. Clarified that specified efficiency values are NOMINAL values. Specified motor winding thermistors for large motors. Added Examination paragraph in Part 3. Updated and expanded Field Quality Control paragraph in Part 3 Rev. 3-Added seismic requirements. Added DOE-STD-1212 as a reference for requirements. Changed requirements for testing to “only when specified” Changed specific requirements of when to use single-phase vs three-phase to “as shown on drawings” Cleaned up editorial verbiage Added preference for IEEE-841 motors. Removed requirement to remove abandoned motors |
26 0813 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Electrical Acceptance Testing | Rev. 1-
Rev. 3-Clarified that Section is almost entirely LANL-performed work. For ML-1/2, allowed for LANL personnel to perform work (1.3.G). For ML-3/4 systems, eliminated testing for grounding and some conductors. For VFDs, increased threshold from 50 to 60 hp. For analytical studies, added notes for who performs and deletion (1.1.B.3, 3.4). Clarification on lightning arresters. Other minor rewording. Rev. 4- Deleted LANL’s startup and Commissioning Group (STUPCOMM) as an option for testing. Deleted insulation and continuity test requirements for electrical conductors Added notes that optional standby systems do not have a NFPA level |
26 1216 | R0* | Dry Type, Medium Voltage Transformers | *Active from 1-06-06 to 5-11-06. This spec. was superceded by 26 2213. | |
26 2213 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Low Voltage Distribution Transformers | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - • Added requirement that all low-voltage distribution transformers must meet NEMA TP 1 Class I efficiency (this is to comply with EPAct 2005). |
26 2300 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Low-Voltage Switchgear | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 -
Removed scheduling requirements. Removed some spare part requirements. Removed requirements for compression lugs. Clarified that electrical contacts need to be rated for 600 volts. Changed requirement for lighting from fluorescent to LED. Removed requirements for existing switchgear. Changed torque checks after the fact to witness torqueing while being performed. |
26 2413 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Switchboards | Rev. 1-Deleted provisions for double-ended switchboard configuration and associated automatic main-tie-main controls. Double-ended configurations will be implemented using switchgear as described in Section 26 2300. Corrected some references to other LANL Master Specification Sections. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) and revised introductory specifier’s notes Rev. 3 -
Modified requirements for existing systems. |
26 2416 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Panelboards | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-
Removed requirement that supplier is ISO 9001 certified. Removed requirement for receipt inspections. Indicated that all breakers, for 480 volt systems, need to be 600 volt rated. Removed restriction for tandem breakers. Modified requirements for existing installations. Removed requirement for load balancing. Editorial changes. |
26 2419 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Motor Control Centers | Rev. 1-Updated requirements for seismic qualification and installation to meet IBC and ASCE 7. Added references to NECA 402 Recommended Practice for Installing and Maintaining Motor Control Centers. Updated several reference standards. Revised requirements for starter unit motor overloads to match those in Section 26 2913. Revised requirements for starter unit selector switches and pushbuttons to match those in Section 26 2913. Re-organized order of material in PART 3 INSTALLATION. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) and revised introductory specifier’s notes Rev. 3 - • Required that MCCs be "arc-resistant" design. • Added requirement for "manufacturer's field service" during inspection, adjustment, and testing of MCC. • Added requirement for receipt inspection of MCCs for suspect/counterfeit molded case circuit breakers. • Corrected IBC seismic criteria. • Required that subcontractor verify field measurements against shop drawings prior to MCC fabrication. • Added option for walk-in outdoor enclosure. • Updated catalog numbers and added Allen-Bradley. (Note that neither Siemens nor Square D offer arc-resistant MCCs at this time.) • Indicated minimum 5-1/2" thick concrete pad and referenced Section 26 0548 – Vibration and Seismic Controls for Electrical Systems for pad materials and installation requirements. • Referenced NECA 402 – Recommended Practice for Installing and Maintaining Motor Control Centers for cleaning, inspection, testing, and adjusting of MCCs. • Added requirement to coordinate inspections and tests with Section 26 0813 – Electrical Acceptance Testing if formal electrical acceptance testing is required. • Added requirement for training of owner's representatives on operation and maintenance of the MCCs Rev. 4-Added requirement for arc-resistant equipment; Added seismic edits Removed requirement for existing MCCs; Clarified NEC requirements for setting overloads and sizing OCP |
26 2500 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Enclosed Bus Assemblies | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Corrected IBC seismic criteria. In Installation article, replaced Section 26 0520 with Section 26 0548 – Vibration and Seismic Controls for Electrical Systems. (All enclosed bus installations will require designed anchors.) Modified Field Quality Control article to require coordination of inspections and tests with those required by Section 26 0813 – Electrical Acceptance Testing. Rev. 3-Added new seismic requirements; modified listing requirement language removed requirement for grounding bar to be 50% capacity; removed requirements to address existing equipment; modified expansion requirement to include thermal; modified torque language |
26 2713 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Electricity Metering | Rev.1-Added a less expensive digital electrical power meter for use on projects with three-phase services 800 amperes or smaller. Clarified that the construction subcontractor will furnish and install the meter products; the LANL SSS will inspect, test, and program the installed meters. Added requirements for construction submittals of shop drawings and wiring diagrams. Clarified requirements for the meter display units. Clarified requirements for meter cabinets. Added installation requirements for meters mounted in meter cabinets. Added installation requirements for meters mounted in switchgear. Added requirements to connect meter to the telecommunication system. Rev.2-Added communications connection for KYZ metering pulses from the electricity meter to the Integrated Automated Facility Controls specified in Section 25 5000. Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev.3- Updated product catalog numbers. Changed communications interfaces for digital electrical meters to match three anticipated meter data communications situations; in all cases the specifier is instructed to coordinate with the ES-DE Process and Automation Team. Rev.4-Major revision to reflect new Utilities and Infrastructure requirements and new DOE guidelines. |
26 2726 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Wiring Devices | Rev. 1-Revisions to the specification include self-testing GFCI receptacles, clarification of heavy duty receptacle requirements, and updates to occupancy sensing lighting control switch catalog numbers. Rev. 2-Changes made are corrections/updates to UL, NEMA, and FedSpec numbers Rev. 3-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) and revised introductory specifier’s notes Rev. 4 - • Added COORDINATION article to address interfaces, locations, and colors for wiring devices. • Added FINISHES article to address device color selection. • Clarified uses for “isolated ground” receptacles. • Updated catalog numbers for receptacles and occupancy-sensing lighting control devices. • Added specification for receptacles with integral surge protection. • Added requirement to provide properly configured receptacles for equipment furnished to the Project under other specification sections or by LANL. • Deleted requirement for receptacle serving an electric water cooler (EWC) to be located within the EWC cabinet. (EWC must now be GFCI protected and all GFCIs must be accessible.) • Added a digital occupancy sensing lighting/receptacle control system to address requirements of ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1. I • Added requirement to verify that GFCI receptacles are installed in locations that will be accessible. • Aligned receptacle configurations and ratings with NEC requirements for an “individual circuit.” Rev. 5-Removed requirement for manufacture in a 9001/2 facility Fixed wording of compliance with NEC. (listed products are not required to conform to the NEC) Clarify that back-stab devices are not acceptable. Back and side wire only. Fixed voltages. Circuits are 120, receptacles are 125 Add LED sections for dimmers. These sections will be expanded slightly Disallowed occupancy sensing in electrical and mechanical rooms Changed testing requirements for GFCIs to the use of the integral testing function only |
26 2816 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers | Rev. 1-Added requirement for viewing window on safety switches to allow visual verification of ON-OFF status. Changed requirement for compression type lugs to apply just to enclosed circuit breakers rated greater than 100 amperes. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) and revised introductory specifier’s notes Rev. 3-
26 2913 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Enclosed Controllers | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Changes to this specification include:
26 2923 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Variable Frequency Motor Controllers | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2 - Added requirement for submittal of AFC de-rating and selection calculations. Added requirement for certification for AFCs that must continue to operate after a design earthquake. Added requirement to coordinate features of each AFC with supply circuit, load, and communications protocol. Added Service Conditions article to address altitude, temperature, and seismic conditions. Added requirement to provide spare AFCs for critical systems that are not suitable for operation at full speed through a bypass contactor. Added Project Records article to capture the test reports and certifications required in the Field Quality Control article. Added requirement that AFCs in NEMA 1 enclosures be NRTL-listed for use in air-handling plenums. Clarified in instructions where a 3-contactor bypass should be used. Added instruction coordinate with ES-DE P&A Team to select communications protocol that is compatible with the BAS or process control system. Added requirement that AFC have capability to ride through power dips of up to 10 seconds. Added requirement that AFC meet FCC and IEC 61800-3 RF energy emission limits. Added reference to Section 26 0548 – Vibration and Seismic Controls for Electrical Equipment.Revised Field Quality Control article, and adding requirement to coordinate inspections and tests with Section 26 0813 - Electrical Acceptance Testing. Added Manufacturer's Field Service Article. Rev. 3 - Added new seismic requirements. Changed all occurrences of AFC to VFD. Deleted warranty requirement (this is already covered by purchasing) Reordered referenced standard section. Deleted 9001 requirement. Deleted 36 hour turn around requirement for supplier repair (VFDs are now a commodity). Deleted bypass language. Deleted requirements for removing abandoned |
26 3334 | R0 R1 R2 |
Stored Emergency Power Supply System | Rev. 0 - Initial Issue Rev. 1 - Added seismic requirements. Gave option for LANL internal group to do startup and commissioning. Deleted warranty requirements (this is handled by purchasing). Clarified requirements for spare parts list Clarified NRTL requirements. Clarified requirements for existing/abandoned equipment. Changed torqueing of bolts from after-the-fact, to witnessing |
26 3353 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Static Uninterruptible Power Supply | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Added seismic wording. Allow for LANL startup and commissioning group to be an option for startup and testing. Removed some sections that are unenforceable. Clarified that NFPA 111 only has to be followed when the installation is within the scope of NFPA 111.Deleted ISO 9001/9002 requirement. Removed requirement to meet FCC unintended radiator rules (our UPS installations are not within the scope of the FCC rules cited). Added requirements for external maintenance bypass switch such that the UPS can be removed and replaced safely. Added requirement that a transformer must be used in the bypass line. This is so the system can be bonded properly. Added option for battery systems to be individual stab-in type Added requirements for location of bonding jumper and for labelling to indicate such |
26 4100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Facility Ligtning Protection | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-General revision and alignment with D5090 R5 Rev. 3-Change “air terminal” to “strike termination device” in order to align with NFPA 780.Change “lightning striking” to “rolling sphere” – ditto Add requirement for a calculation of the proposed grounding electrode system when empirical testing is not possible or meaningful. Delete requirement to test existing grounding electrode systems, due to the testing requirements making this impractical. |
26 4115 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Lightning Protection for Explosive Facilities | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-General revision and alignment with D5090 R5 Rev. 3-Added requirement for calculated contact resistance submittal when values cannot be obtained through empirical methods. Changed “air terminal” to “strike termination device” Minor edits for readability |
26 4123 | R0 R1* |
Lightning Protection Surge Arrestors and Suppressors | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *CANCELED - Superceded by 26 4300 (6/6/11) |
26 4300 | R0 R1 R2 |
Surge Protective Devices | Rev. 0-Initial Issue. This issue correlates with ANSI/UL 1449 – UL Standard for Safety for Surge Protective Devices, 3rd Edition and Article 285 in the 2011 National Electrical Code. Lightning protection surge arresters and transient voltage surge suppressors essentially have been combined into one category. Rev. 1-Allow the use of Type 2 SPDs Removed some hard requirements and changed them to ‘manufacturer’s recommendations’ |
26 4313 | R0 R1* |
Transient Voltage Suppression for Low-Voltage Electrical Power Circuits | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) *CANCELED - Superceded by 26 4300 (6/6/11) |
26 5100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Interior Lighting | Rev. 1-Clarified warranty start date, storage and installation per NECA/IESNA 500 and 502; updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Added "total harmonic distortion" to DEFINITIONS. Modified ballast warranty period to start upon LANL acceptance. Added NECA/IESNA 500 and 502 installation standards. Updated reference document titles. Added requirement that luminaires be factory labeled as to replacement lamp and ballast types. Clarified and updated fluorescent ballast requirements to match current commercial products. Added NEC-required luminaire disconnect. Clarified seismic protection requirements. Added field quality control requirements. Clarified dimming ballast test requirements. Rev. 3 - Added SERVICE CONDITIONS article. Updated codes, standards, and specification section references. Added requirement for enclosed luminaires for pulse-start metal-halide lamps. Added requirement that luminaires have wet or damp location labels as required by installation location. Added specifications for T5 and T5HO fluorescent lamps and ballasts. Added more detailed description of safety wires for luminaires in suspended ceilings. Moved "luminaire maintenance labels" from Part 2 to Part 3. Moved replacement of lamps used during construction to FIELD QUALITY CONTROL article. Rev. 4 - Addition of requirements for LED luminaires. With ESM, supports environmentally preferable product procurement goals. Rev. 5 -Added seismic requirements and conditions where luminaires are exempt. Deleted warranty requirements (these are handled by purchasing). Deleted requirements for spare parts for LED luminaires (these are throw away units, they are not repaired). Deleted requirement for LED luminaires to have a CRI of 90, added designer note recommending a CRI of 80. Fixed existing requirements to only apply when the luminaires are a part of the project. Deleted requirement for construction to relamp fluorescent tubes prior to handover to LANL. |
26 5200 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 |
Safety Lighting (formerly Emergency Lighting) | Rev. 1-
Rev. 3-Updated catalog numbers for unit emergency equipment. Stated the existing LANL policy that products must comply with the Buy American Act. Stated the existing UBC requirement that emergency lighting equipment must have seismic protection. Clarified ambient temperature operating requirements. Clarified battery life and warranty requirements. Clarified exit sign visibility requirements. Rev. 4 -
Rev. 6- Renamed from “Emergency Lighting.” Added seismic requirements. Changed ‘wall-mount emergency light unit’ to ‘unit equipment’ to conform to national codes and standards. Gave option to select [emergency][egress]. For when luminaires are not legally required to be emergency but we install them anyway. Deleted all requirements for warranties. (this is covered by purchasing, does not need to be covered here) Deleted requirement for unit equipment to operate on 120 or 277. This was causing too many Code violations in the field due to having to install cord separately. Now, the cord can be part of the unit. Added note that tritium signs are not to be used without special permission. |
26 5600 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Exterior Lighting | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.)
COMMUNICATIONSTop of page | ||||
27 1000 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 |
Structured Cabling | Rev. 1-Changed Category 5e to Category 6A, Section 1.7.C.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.9, 2.12 Rev. 2-Change from Cat 5e to Cat 6A cable. Conduit changes due to larger diameter of Cat 6A cable. Rev. 3-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 4-Changes to GFE, inspection, test reporting, qualifications, Cat 6A (versus coax and TV), boxes, and labeling. Rev. 5-Eliminates the need of editing and customizing spec. requirements for individual projects. Eliminates the TIA reference which in some cases are different requirements than are needed for NIE design at LANL. Distinguishes the parameters of category 5E or 6A cabling requirements. Clarify training requirements for installers. Adjust the cabling quantities required per outlet. Rev. 6-Revised 3.7.B to address a miscalculation in anchoring separation; incorporated 3.8.E into 3.8.C to clarify the use of two-hole lugs; changed 3.8.E to allow one-hole lugs for #6 or smaller. Rev. 7- Revised to align with ESM Ch 19 D60 Rev. 1. Conduit requirements revised for vertical pathways within the building between comm. rooms to account for fiber taking the place of a majority of the copper count formerly needed. Horizontal pathways allowable bends increased from 180 degrees to 225 degrees between pull points. Added G6000 for labs or where electrical and communications are installed in the same raceway, use of white tape for identification, and seismic requirements Rev. 8-Clarified submittals, deleted basket trays, other minor editing. Rev. 9-Added 3.6 on J-hooks, straps, and non-continuous cable support. |
27 1500.18 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Protected Transmission System Rough-In | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) Rev. 2-Addressed EMT use; clarified POB/AOB and separation; updated identification and testing requirements; reference updates. |
27 3000 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Voice Communications | Rev. 1-Revised Sections: 2.2, 2.3, 2.5A, 3.3, 3.7B Rev. 2- Paging system electronic equipment (e.g. paging controllers and power amplifiers) are no longer furnished and installed by the LANL Telecommunications Group; added material and installation requirements for this equipment. Added submittal requirements related to the paging system electronic equipment (e.g. catalog data, calculations, wiring diagrams). Revised requirements for coordination with the LANL Telecommunications Group. Specified conduit types, maximum conduit fill, and outlet box size. Added 12 AWG and 14 AWG speaker cables. Clarified types of speakers to use in various locations. Added non-metallic wiring duct for managing cables at the paging system electronic equipment location. Revised terminal block specification to accommodate the larger speaker cables. Indicated that terminal blocks are to be installed on the telecommunications room plywood backboard. Added requirements for spacing of speakers in rooms and corridors. Added identification requirements for cables and terminal block positions. Rev. 3-Updated terminology to be consistent with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) |
28 0528 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Pathways for Electronic Security | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 2-Major change revised all sections to reflect new infrastructure requirements for the new Argus Security System. Rev. 3- Changes to avoid penetrating thru, or mounting conduit to, fire door frames; lessons learned from RLOUB |
28 1321 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Administrative Access Control System Rough-In | Rev. 1-Revised Sections: 2.4B, 3.4D Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 3-Changes to avoid penetrating thru, or mounting conduit to, fire door frames; lessons learned from RLOUB |
28 3100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10* |
Fire Detection and Alarm | Rev. 1-Added Sections 1.2E and 2.3 Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 3-Identifies the latest fire alarm panel model # Notifier NFS 2-640 in place of the old model NFS 640, as well as some editorial-type changes. Rev. 4-Minor changes Rev. 5-Based on a needed improvement in communications to affected FOD organizations, changes to the specs that provided better assurance that a FOD representative is aware of pending changes to existing fire alarm systems and the commissioning of new systems. Rev. 6 -incorporates the latest compatible hardware information for the approved vendors and systems, and clarifies accessibility expectations for system equipment. Rev. 7-Changed to reflect the new EST3x replacement for the EST QuickStart panel. Added deliverables attachment. Rev. 8-Clarified test plan expectations (1.4.D.2) and the type of conductor to be used in exterior/wet versus interior/dry locations (2.15.B) Rev. 9-Eliminated reference to system circuit "styles" modified wire colors, identified manufacturer for conduit in wet locations, added allowance for flex conduit in certain locations, added information on breaker locking device. Rev. 10-Added that painting is at the direction of the FOD (based on aesthetics, environmental conditions, etc.) *Superceded by 28 4600 4/5/18 |
28 3110 | R0 R1 R2 R3* |
Fire Detection and Alarm-Addtion to Existing | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 2-Based on a needed improvement in communications to affected FOD organizations, changes to the specs that provided better assurance that a FOD representative is aware of pending changes to existing fire alarm systems and the commissioning of new systems Rev. 3-Added that painting is a the direction of the FOD (based on aesthetics, environmental conditions, etc.) *Cancelled 5/22/19 |
28 4600 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Fire Detection and Alarm | Rev. 0 -Superceded 28 3100 4/5/18 New Section number 28 4600 conforming to CSI MasterFormat; added seismic and Knox Box supervisory/trouble and transfer switches to scope, revised identification, connection to central station. Detector model changes and installation clarifications. Changed FCP to FACP except where discussing drawing and field label identifications. Rev. 1-Ethernet dialer cable routing added at 3.5.G Rev. 2-Allows for newer-than-IBC-edition standards (1.1.C), calculation and drawing requirement changes, clarifies interfaces, sound level; M/N changes; revised addressable modules, raceways, increased reliance on pdf submittals, streamlined seismic, added transfer switch, other changes. Incorporates and supersedes 28 3110 Fire Detection and Alarm-Addition to Existing. Rev. 3- 1. Made minor editorial changes and used consistent references to “LANL Fire Protection Group” in lieu of other terms previously used. 2. Part 1.1.C: Changed required code and standard editions to be what is listed in the design documents rather than currently adopted or latest edition. 3. Part 1.2.B: Clarified expectation for alarm-initiating devices to operate associated emergency control function, if present. Corrected reference to elevator recall and shunt trip to activate for associated alarm initiations, and added fire hat visual signal. 4. Part 1.5: Referenced Appendix A as a required timeline process. Noted that each design must be initially marked as 60% for first design submittal. 5. Part 1.5 (throughout): Changed “submittal” to “design” to reinforce following LBO design process, not construction submittal process. 6. Part 1.5.A: Added requirement to calculate conductor size for notification appliance circuits, and additional note to calculate for loop resistance (e.g. for audio or signaling-line circuits). Moved circuit classes here from Part 2.3. Indicated to provide visual-only signaling in area of fire alarm control panel. Noted that stairways and elevator cars do not require visual signaling. 7. Part 1.5.B: Changed “Delegated Design Submittal” to “Deferred Detailed Design Documents” to reflect current understanding. Repeated that first design package shall be marked as 60% and that revisions are to be marked with numbers followed by a letter for each draft. 8. Part 1.5.B.2.b: Inserted requirement for hardcopy drawings from Appendix A. 9. Part 2.13: Rewrote to include audible, visual, and combination audible-visual devices and removed unnecessary details. 10. Part 2.19: Updated SPDs to current LANL standard. 11. Part 3.2: Put power requirements in separate subpart. Provided options for more flexibility regarding height of notification appliances. 12. Part 3.2.H: Removed visual appliance design guidance. Already covered in Part 1. 13. Part 3.2.I.7: Added labeling requirements at manual transfer switch. 14. Part 3.8.B: Inserted timeline for providing fire alarm control panel program prior to pre-final acceptance testing. 15. Part 3.9: Removed requirement for preliminary record of completion to be provided at the final acceptance test. 16. Parts 3.8, 3.9, and App. A: Revised and reorganized to clarify deliverables and each stage of testing. Rev. 4-Revised in entirety to improve conciseness and clarity. Relocated requirements based on whether they were qualification, equipment, or execution requirements. Removed design requirements and added them to the ESM. Added requirement for a points/address list as an action submittal. Added requirements for area of refuge two-way emergency communication systems. Added requirements for labeling inside terminal cabinets, and FACU/NAPPs. Part 1.1.B: Added more fire alarm components. Part 1.1C: Added codes & standards. Part 1.2: Added more related sections. Part 2: Added and updated products and removed design descriptions. |
EARTHWORK -ARCHIVESTop of page | ||||
31 2000 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 |
Earth Moving | Rev. 1 - Change to 2.1.C.2 Rev. 2 - Added exclusion from using NMDOT Specs. For Method of Measurement and basis of payment. Added surface tolerance. Added use of rock cut as subgrade. Rev. 3 - Section 3.10 F.3.a and F.4.a changed to ASTM D6938 Rev. 4 - Minor editorial changes. Delete reference to NMDOT spec and added material requirements. Added section for engineered fill and clarified OSHA slope requirements. Rev. 5 - Clarified tracer wire use and installation and tracer wire continuity testing. Rev. 6 - Clarified a stringent requirement for bedding sand to meet NMDOT spec. Revised tracing wire to be in line with industry standards and provide better material. Changed cold weather requirements. Rev. 7 - U&I name revision. Wording clean-up. lessons learned from recent projects and inspector comments. Rev. 8 - clarification in part 2.1.F.1 Rev. 9 - Clarification in part 2.2.A Rev. 10 - Part 3.10.A. clarified |
31 2323.33 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Flowable Fill | Rev. 1 - Added Section 1.6, Job Conditions Rev. 2 - Change made to Part 1.3.A.1 Rev. 3 - Added exclusion from using NMDOT Specs for Method of Measurement and basis of payment. Rev. 4 - Minor editorial changes. Delete reference to NMDOT spec. and added material requirements. Added field testing section. Rev. 5 - Periodic review. Revision to 3.5.A to align with requirements in other concrete specs and asphalt specs. Rev. 6 - New aggregate mixture gradation, addition of pozzolan and removal of fly ash, and update to slump to align with NMDOT. Additional description of applicability of this spec for use under support/bearing of building foundations in the beginning author notes. |
31 3200 | R0 R1* |
Soil Stabilization | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). *CANCELED due to lack of need. |
31 4300 | R0 R1* |
Concrete Raising | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). *CANCELED due to lack of need. (7/23/09) |
32 1216 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Aspalt Paving | Rev. 1-Change to 1.2.A.1 Rev. 2- Added exclusion from using NMDOT Specs for Method of Measurement and basis of Payment. Clarified testing requirements and surface tolerance. Rev. 3-See sheet on server (committee and inspection comments) major revision Rev. 4-Clarify utility trench patch requirements. Rev. 5-Graded requirements for testing, inspection, and acceptance based on "Minor Asphalt Paving" for under 1,500 tons and "Major Paving" for 1,500 tons or more. Rev. 6-Added criteria for selection of mix design based on design requirements, NMDOT personnel recommendations, test strip, lower acceptance threshold. |
32 3100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Fences and Gates | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 2-Added reference to master specification 32 3100. Rev. 3-Clarified and added requires for caps on all open top pipe posts. Rev. 4-1.3.A add "wire" for a submittal. 1.4.A.1, delete web site as it does not bring up the appropriate site. Change Fed. Spec. number to RR-F- 191/4 |
32 3113 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Chain Link Fences and Gates | Rev. 1- Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 2 - Clarification of fence components and related ASTM specification and added reference to master specification 32 3100. Rev. 3 - Revision clarifies and aligns specification with the physical security requirements of NNSA Policy NAP 70.2, industry standards, and ASTM Standards. Rev. 4 - Clarified and added requirements for caps on all open top pipe posts. |
32 8400 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Planting Irrigation | Rev. 1-major revision Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 3 - Minor editorial changes and test and inspection updates. |
32 9219 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Seeding | Rev. 1 - Minor revisions and clarifications through-out. The major revisions: added Part 2.2.E.1 the pre-mix seed sources, new parts were added to reflect new technology in products and installation, Part 2.6 added, Part 2.7 major revision, Part 3.6 added, Part 3.7 major revision. Rev. 2 - Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 3 - Minor material revision Rev. 4 - Focused on using native species that have demonstrated success for this area. Removed practices (straw mulch, cover crops) that do not work well. Updated product information. Made the specification easier to understand and implement |
32 9223 | R0 R1 R2 R3 |
Sodding | Rev. 1-major revision Rev. 2- Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 3 - Minor editorial changes. |
32 9300 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Plants | Rev. 1-major revision Rev. 2- Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 3- Minor editorial changes. Rev. 4- Periodic review, revisions to 1.3 better submittal info/alignment Rev. 5- Under 2.4 Trees and Shrubs, added preference for plants native to New Mexico and the elevation gradient of northern NM, and added a table was of appropriate & approved shrubs and trees for landscaping and/or restoration or reclamation projects. Additional updates |
UTILITIES -ARCHIVESTop of page | ||||
33 0513 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Manholes and Structures | Rev. 1-Added : “ML-4” to LANL Master Spec designer notes, 1.2 C & D, “sewer” to 1.3A, “septic tank ”to 2.2A, 2.2A.2, “exclude storm drain manhole” to 3.1E, “holding” to 3.3C & D, & “(only)” to 3.3C. ST-G3020-1 was ST-G3030-1 in Part 1 designer notes & revised group acronyms in 1.3C & D. Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 3-Minor clarifications and added reference to Master Specification 32 3100. Rev. 4 - Submittal clarification. Rev. 5 - Revised HDPE PPI designation, added manhole waterstop grouting ring requirement, added alternate to manhole coating. Rev. 6- Periodic review. Revision to 1.3 and 1.4 misc. items. |
33 0530 | R0 | Coatings and Linings for Utilities | R0- initial issue. | |
33 0820 | R0 R1 * |
Commissioning of Wells | CANCELED 7/14/08 | |
33 1000 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 |
Water Utilities | Rev. 1- Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 3- Added part on onsite welding and PRV optional features. Rev. 4 - Revised HDPE PPI designation, added manhole waterstop grouting ring requirement, added alternate to manhole coating. Rev. 5 - Periodic review. Revisions to 1.4 align with Chapter 13, 2.2.D manufacturer's revisions, misc. items. Rev. 6 - Clarified and updated PVC pipe pressure classes in accordance with AWWA C900-07. Rev. 7 - Minor updates, revised manufacturers valve numbers, clarified using valves without accessories Rev. 8 - Allowed for substitution of alternative HDPE products with system engineer approval Rev. 9 - Section 2.5.B.1 changed from A-2360-8 to A-2362-8. Also changed ASTM D2657 to F2620. |
33 1300 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Disinfecting of Water Utilitiy Distribution [22 0816] |
Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 2-Added reference to master specification 32 3100. Rev. 3-Periodic review. Revisions to 1.2.A. due to contractor personnel beign dismissed and 1.3. added for Submittals and requirements, due to lack of appropriate personnel. Rev. 4- Added reference to National and State requirements. Clarified certified sampler and testing requirements. Rev. 5-New attachment for small scope work. Minor clarifications and corrections, including ES-UI, ESH, and EPC-CP (WQ) input |
33 3000 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 |
Sanitary Sewerage Utilities | Rev. 1-Added Part for restraint joints for force mains after a blow out. -Revised Part on HDD after concerns on shallow slope. Rev. 2 - Deleted reference to Support Services Subcontractor and added reference to 01 4455 and 32 3100. Rev. 3 - Added sentence to 3.5.B-A cleanout shall be placed at a change in direction in service laterals. The distance between cleanouts in service laterals shall not exceed 100 feet. Rev. 4 - Submittal clarification. Rev. 5 - Revised HDPE PPI designation, added manhole waterstop grouting ring requirement, added alternate to manhole coating Rev. 6 - Periodic review. Revisions to 1.4 to align with Ch. 13, 2.2.E manufacturer's revisions, misc. items. Rev. 7 - Clarify some input from the RLWTF LLW project on how to connect to an existing pipe |
33 3200 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 |
Wastewater Utility Pumping Stations | Rev. 1- Rev. 2-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 3 - Minor editorial changes and updates Rev. 4 - Submittal clarification. Rev. 5 - Added a qualification note to the A-E in 2.8.D. Added a Part of a quick disconnect for using a portable pump to bypass the regular pumps and for when a standby generator cannot be used. Rev. 6 - Revised HDPE PPI designation, added manhole waterstop grouting ring requirement, added alternate to manhole coating Rev. 7 - Minor nomenclature updates and material clarifications. |
33 4000 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Storm Drainage Utilities | Rev. 1- Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 2 - Added part on onsite welding. Rev. 3 - Periodic review. Revisions to 1.4 to align with Ch. 13, 2.2. Manufacturer's revisions, misc. items. |
33 5100 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 |
Natural-Gas Distribution | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 2 - Added part on onsite and offsite welding. Revised sut-off valve manufacturers numbers and information. Deleted radiographic examination. Rev. 3 - Submittal clarification. Rev. 4 - Revised HDPE PPI designation, added manhole waterstop grouting ring requirement, added alternate to manhole coating Rev. 5 - Clarified marking for coated pipe Rev. 6 - Deleted 1.5.A.1.d, clarified 1.5.A.4 Rev. 7 - Periodic review. Revisions to 1.2 and 1.3 clarify equipment, 1.4 clarify submittals, 1.5 to align with Ch. 13, 2.2, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 manufacturers. Rev. 8 - Minor change to 3.2.E to indicate the change in colors for above ground piping and appurtenances. Rev. 9 - For uniformity in inspection between steel and plastic gas pipe the addition to 1.4.A.2.c, same wording as in 1.4.A.1.c on 100% inspection. Rev 10-Added ASME B31.8 weld inspection requirements. Added the LANL ESM WPS numbers for steel and HDPE. Added part numbers for all specified components. Added the specific pressure testing requirements for the natural gas system. Updated parts list to include: Mechanical fittings; Nuts, Bolt & Washers; Weld-o-let branch connections; Test lead stations; Carrier pipe spacers and seals. |
33 6300 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 |
Steam Energy Distribution | Rev. 1- Minor additions, revisions and also corrections to parts 1.3, 2.17, and 2.18, in order to get in line with the changes to the steam drawings. Rev. 2 -Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 3 -Updates and clarifications for material as well as updates to pipe types. Rev. 4 - Minor editorial changes and added new welding specification paragraph |
33 7119 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 |
Electrical Underground Ducts and Manholes | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 2-
Rev. 4 - U&I name revision. Clarify contractor material. Revised the early warning tape to be consistent with 31 2000. Rev. 5 - Split communications out to 33 8126, leaving only PVC option. |
33 7311 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Pad-Mounted Transformer Rough-In | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 2 - Globally changed "LANL Support Services Contractor" to "LANL Utilities & Infrastructure." Indicated that the LANL STR is the interface for scheduling inspections, etc. Updated titles of IEEE standards. Except for the LANL-furnished pad-mounted transformer, deleted all products references from Part 2. In Part 3 added references to applicable specification sections for concrete, conduits, grounding, etc. Streamlined reinforced concrete pad description in Part 3, referring to pre-approved design mix in Section 03 3001. Described in greater detail the division of responsibilities between LANL Utilities & Infrastructure and the construction subcontractor Rev. 3-Periodic review. Administrative updates. |
33 7711 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 |
Pad-Mounted Switch Rough-In | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 2 -
33 8126 | R0 R1 |
Communication Underground Ducts, Manholes, and Handholes | Rev. 0 - Initial issue. Comm material removed from 33 7119R4 and revised to create this spec. Rev. 1 - Revised PART 2 spacing, pulling irons, manhole accessories. |
40 0504 | R0 | Process Piping | Rev. 0 - Initial issue revising and superseding 40 0513 Process Piping | |
40 0511 | R0 R1* |
Compression Fittigs on Copper and Stainless Steel Tubing | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). *CANCELED |
40 0513 | R0* | Process Piping | *CANCELED and superceded by 40 0504 Process Piping 8/16/17 | |
40 0527 | R0 R1 R2* |
Piping and Tubing Inspection Checklist | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 2 - Clarify specification scope, add Quality Assurance requirements and minor editorial changes. *CANCELED There is no information contained in this specification that is not covered in the inspection requirements of the B31 and other codes of record for the specific projects |
41 2213.13 | R0 R1 R2 |
Bridge Cranes | Rev. 1 - Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). Rev. 2 - Clarify Quality Assurance and welding requirements, and revise Part 2 structural, mechanical and electrical requirements. Minor editorial changes in Part 3, Execution. |
41 2225 | R0 R1 |
Hoist and Trolleys | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.). | |
43 3113.37 | R0 R1 |
High Efficiency Gas Purification Filters | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) | |
43 4113 | R0 R1 |
Gas and Liquid Pressure Vessels | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) | |
43 4116 | R0 R1 |
Atmospheric Tanks and Vessels | Rev. 1-Updated terminology to be consistant with proforma (Subcontractor, STR, etc.) |